Source code for ffcx.element_interface

# Copyright (C) 2021 Matthew W. Scroggs and Chris Richardson
# This file is part of FFCx.(
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Finite element interface."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy

import basix
import basix.ufl_wrapper
import ufl

[docs]def convert_element(element: ufl.finiteelement.FiniteElementBase) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase: """Convert and element to a FFCx element.""" if isinstance(element, basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase): return element return create_element(element)
[docs]@lru_cache() def create_element(element: ufl.finiteelement.FiniteElementBase) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase: """Create an FFCx element from a UFL element. Args: element: A UFL finite element Returns: A Basix finite element """ if isinstance(element, basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase): return element elif isinstance(element, ufl.VectorElement): return basix.ufl_wrapper.VectorElement(create_element(element.sub_elements()[0]), element.num_sub_elements()) elif isinstance(element, ufl.TensorElement): if len(element.symmetry()) == 0: return basix.ufl_wrapper.TensorElement(create_element(element.sub_elements()[0]), element._value_shape) else: assert element.symmetry()[(1, 0)] == (0, 1) return basix.ufl_wrapper.TensorElement(create_element( element.sub_elements()[0]), element._value_shape, symmetric=True) elif isinstance(element, ufl.MixedElement): return basix.ufl_wrapper.MixedElement([create_element(e) for e in element.sub_elements()]) elif isinstance(element, ufl.EnrichedElement): return basix.ufl_wrapper._create_enriched_element([create_element(e) for e in element._elements]) elif == "Quadrature": return QuadratureElement(element.cell().cellname(), element.value_shape(), scheme=element.quadrature_scheme(), elif == "Real": return RealElement(element) else: return basix.ufl_wrapper.convert_ufl_element(element)
[docs]def basix_index(indices: typing.Tuple[int]) -> int: """Get the Basix index of a derivative.""" return basix.index(*indices)
[docs]def create_quadrature(cellname, degree, rule) -> typing.Tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float64], numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float64]]: """Create a quadrature rule.""" if cellname == "vertex": return (numpy.ones((1, 0), dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.ones(1, dtype=numpy.float64)) quadrature = basix.make_quadrature( basix.quadrature.string_to_type(rule), basix.cell.string_to_type(cellname), degree) # The quadrature degree from UFL can be very high for some # integrals. Print warning if number of quadrature points # exceeds 100. num_points = quadrature[1].size if num_points >= 100: warnings.warn( f"Number of integration points per cell is: {num_points}. Consider using 'quadrature_degree' " "to reduce number.") return quadrature
[docs]def reference_cell_vertices(cellname: str) -> numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float64]: """Get the vertices of a reference cell.""" return basix.geometry(basix.cell.string_to_type(cellname))
[docs]def map_facet_points(points: numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float64], facet: int, cellname: str) -> numpy.typing.NDArray[numpy.float64]: """Map points from a reference facet to a physical facet.""" geom = basix.geometry(basix.cell.string_to_type(cellname)) facet_vertices = [geom[i] for i in basix.topology(basix.cell.string_to_type(cellname))[-2][facet]] return numpy.asarray([facet_vertices[0] + sum((i - facet_vertices[0]) * j for i, j in zip(facet_vertices[1:], p)) for p in points], dtype=numpy.float64)
[docs]class QuadratureElement(basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase): """A quadrature element.""" _points: basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64 _weights: basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64 _entity_counts: typing.List[int] _cellname: str def __init__( self, cellname: str, value_shape: typing.Tuple[int, ...], scheme: typing.Optional[str] = None, degree: typing.Optional[int] = None, points: typing.Optional[basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64] = None, weights: typing.Optional[basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64] = None, mapname: str = "identity" ): """Initialise the element.""" if scheme is not None: assert degree is not None assert points is None assert weights is None repr = f"QuadratureElement({cellname}, {scheme}, {degree})" self._points, self._weights = create_quadrature(cellname, degree, scheme) else: assert degree is None assert points is not None assert weights is not None self._points = points self._weights = weights repr = f"QuadratureElement({cellname}, {points}, {weights})" degree = len(points) self._cellname = cellname basix_cell = basix.cell.string_to_type(cellname) self._entity_counts = [len(i) for i in basix.topology(basix_cell)] super().__init__(repr, "quadrature element", cellname, value_shape, degree, mapname=mapname)
[docs] def basix_sobolev_space(self): """Return the underlying Sobolev space.""" return basix.sobolev_spaces.L2
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check if two elements are equal.""" return isinstance(other, QuadratureElement) and numpy.allclose(self._points, other._points) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Return a hash.""" return super().__hash__()
[docs] def tabulate( self, nderivs: int, points: basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64 ) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64: """Tabulate the basis functions of the element. Args: nderivs: Number of derivatives to tabulate. points: Points to tabulate at Returns: Tabulated basis functions """ if nderivs > 0: raise ValueError("Cannot take derivatives of Quadrature element.") if points.shape != self._points.shape: raise ValueError("Mismatch of tabulation points and element points.") tables = numpy.asarray([numpy.eye(points.shape[0], points.shape[0])]) return tables
[docs] def get_component_element(self, flat_component: int) -> typing.Tuple[basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase, int, int]: """Get element that represents a component of the element, and the offset and stride of the component. Args: flat_component: The component Returns: component element, offset of the component, stride of the component """ return self, 0, 1
@property def ufcx_element_type(self) -> str: """Element type.""" return "ufcx_quadrature_element" @property def dim(self) -> int: """Number of DOFs the element has.""" return self._points.shape[0] @property def num_entity_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[int]]: """Number of DOFs associated with each entity.""" dofs = [] for d in self._entity_counts[:-1]: dofs += [[0] * d] dofs += [[self.dim]] return dofs @property def entity_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """DOF numbers associated with each entity.""" start_dof = 0 entity_dofs = [] for i in self.num_entity_dofs: dofs_list = [] for j in i: dofs_list.append([start_dof + k for k in range(j)]) start_dof += j entity_dofs.append(dofs_list) return entity_dofs @property def num_entity_closure_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[int]]: """Number of DOFs associated with the closure of each entity.""" return self.num_entity_dofs @property def entity_closure_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """DOF numbers associated with the closure of each entity.""" return self.entity_dofs @property def num_global_support_dofs(self) -> int: """Get the number of global support DOFs.""" return 0 @property def reference_topology(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """Topology of the reference element.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def reference_geometry(self) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64: """Geometry of the reference element.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def family_name(self) -> str: """Family name of the element.""" return "quadrature" @property def lagrange_variant(self) -> basix.LagrangeVariant: """Basix Lagrange variant used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def dpc_variant(self) -> basix.DPCVariant: """Basix DPC variant used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def element_family(self) -> basix.ElementFamily: """Basix element family used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def cell_type(self) -> basix.CellType: """Basix cell type used to initialise the element.""" return basix.cell.string_to_type(self._cellname) @property def discontinuous(self) -> bool: """True if the discontinuous version of the element is used.""" return False @property def map_type(self) -> basix.MapType: """The Basix map type.""" return basix.MapType.identity
[docs]class RealElement(basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase): """A real element.""" _family_name: str _cellname: str _entity_counts: typing.List[int] def __init__(self, element: ufl.finiteelement.FiniteElementBase): """Initialise the element.""" self._cellname = element.cell().cellname() self._family_name = tdim = element.cell().topological_dimension() self._entity_counts = [] if tdim >= 1: self._entity_counts.append(element.cell().num_vertices()) if tdim >= 2: self._entity_counts.append(element.cell().num_edges()) if tdim >= 3: self._entity_counts.append(element.cell().num_facets()) self._entity_counts.append(1) super().__init__( f"RealElement({element})", "real element", element.cell().cellname(), element.value_shape(), def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check if two elements are equal.""" return isinstance(other, RealElement) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Return a hash.""" return super().__hash__()
[docs] def tabulate( self, nderivs: int, points: basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64 ) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64: """Tabulate the basis functions of the element. Args: nderivs: Number of derivatives to tabulate. points: Points to tabulate at Returns: Tabulated basis functions """ out = numpy.zeros((nderivs + 1, len(points), 1)) out[0, :] = 1. return out
[docs] def get_component_element(self, flat_component: int) -> typing.Tuple[basix.ufl_wrapper._BasixElementBase, int, int]: """Get element that represents a component of the element, and the offset and stride of the component. Args: flat_component: The component Returns: component element, offset of the component, stride of the component """ assert flat_component < self.value_size return self, 0, 1
@property def ufcx_element_type(self) -> str: """Element type.""" return "ufcx_real_element" @property def dim(self) -> int: """Number of DOFs the element has.""" return 0 @property def num_entity_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[int]]: """Number of DOFs associated with each entity.""" dofs = [] for d in self._entity_counts[:-1]: dofs += [[0] * d] dofs += [[self.dim]] return dofs @property def entity_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """DOF numbers associated with each entity.""" start_dof = 0 entity_dofs = [] for i in self.num_entity_dofs: dofs_list = [] for j in i: dofs_list.append([start_dof + k for k in range(j)]) start_dof += j entity_dofs.append(dofs_list) return entity_dofs @property def num_entity_closure_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[int]]: """Number of DOFs associated with the closure of each entity.""" return self.num_entity_dofs @property def entity_closure_dofs(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """DOF numbers associated with the closure of each entity.""" return self.entity_dofs @property def num_global_support_dofs(self) -> int: """Get the number of global support DOFs.""" return 1 @property def reference_topology(self) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """Topology of the reference element.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def reference_geometry(self) -> basix.ufl_wrapper._nda_f64: """Geometry of the reference element.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def family_name(self) -> str: """Family name of the element.""" return self._family_name @property def lagrange_variant(self) -> basix.LagrangeVariant: """Basix Lagrange variant used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def dpc_variant(self) -> basix.DPCVariant: """Basix DPC variant used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def element_family(self) -> basix.ElementFamily: """Basix element family used to initialise the element.""" return None @property def cell_type(self) -> basix.CellType: """Basix cell type used to initialise the element.""" return basix.cell.string_to_type(self._cellname) @property def discontinuous(self) -> bool: """True if the discontinuous version of the element is used.""" return False
[docs] def basix_sobolev_space(self): """Return the underlying Sobolev space.""" return basix.sobolev_spaces.Hinf
@property def map_type(self) -> basix.MapType: """The Basix map type.""" return basix.MapType.identity