# Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Anders Logg, Martin Sandve Alnæs, Marie E. Rognes,
# Kristian B. Oelgaard, Matthew W. Scroggs, Chris Richardson, and others
# This file is part of FFCx. (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Compiler stage 2: Code representation.
Module computes intermediate representations of forms, elements and
dofmaps. For each UFC function, we extract the data needed for code
generation at a later stage.
The representation should conform strictly to the naming and order of
functions in UFC. Thus, for code generation of the function "foo", one
should only need to use the data stored in the intermediate
representation under the key "foo".
import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy
import ufl
from ffcx import naming
from ffcx.element_interface import create_element
from ffcx.ir.integral import compute_integral_ir
from ffcx.ir.representationutils import (QuadratureRule,
from ufl.classes import Integral
from ufl.sorting import sorted_expr_sum
logger = logging.getLogger("ffcx")
ir_form = namedtuple('ir_form', [
'id', 'name', 'signature', 'rank', 'num_coefficients', 'num_constants',
'name_from_uflfile', 'function_spaces', 'original_coefficient_position',
'coefficient_names', 'constant_names', 'finite_elements',
'dofmaps', 'integral_names', 'subdomain_ids'])
ir_element = namedtuple('ir_element', [
'id', 'name', 'signature', 'cell_shape', 'topological_dimension',
'geometric_dimension', 'space_dimension', 'value_shape', 'reference_value_shape', 'degree',
'family', 'num_sub_elements', 'block_size', 'sub_elements', 'element_type', 'entity_dofs',
'lagrange_variant', 'dpc_variant', 'basix_family', 'basix_cell', 'discontinuous', 'custom_element'])
ir_dofmap = namedtuple('ir_dofmap', [
'id', 'name', 'signature', 'num_global_support_dofs', 'num_element_support_dofs', 'num_entity_dofs',
'tabulate_entity_dofs', 'num_entity_closure_dofs', 'tabulate_entity_closure_dofs', 'num_sub_dofmaps',
'sub_dofmaps', 'block_size'])
ir_integral = namedtuple('ir_integral', [
'integral_type', 'subdomain_id', 'rank', 'geometric_dimension', 'topological_dimension', 'entitytype',
'num_facets', 'num_vertices', 'enabled_coefficients', 'element_dimensions',
'element_ids', 'tensor_shape', 'coefficient_numbering', 'coefficient_offsets',
'original_constant_offsets', 'params', 'cell_shape', 'unique_tables', 'unique_table_types',
'table_dofmaps', 'integrand', 'name', 'precision', 'needs_facet_permutations', 'coordinate_element'])
ir_expression = namedtuple('ir_expression', [
'name', 'element_dimensions', 'params', 'unique_tables', 'unique_table_types', 'integrand',
'table_dofmaps', 'coefficient_numbering', 'coefficient_offsets',
'integral_type', 'entitytype', 'tensor_shape', 'expression_shape', 'original_constant_offsets',
'original_coefficient_positions', 'points', 'coefficient_names', 'constant_names', 'needs_facet_permutations',
'function_spaces', 'name_from_uflfile'])
ir_custom_element = namedtuple('ir_custom_element', [
'cell_type', 'degree', 'value_shape', 'wcoeffs', 'x', 'M', 'map_type',
'discontinuous', 'highest_complete_degree'])
ir_data = namedtuple('ir_data', ['elements', 'dofmaps', 'integrals', 'forms', 'expressions'])
[docs]def compute_ir(analysis, object_names, prefix, parameters, visualise):
"""Compute intermediate representation."""
logger.info(79 * "*")
logger.info("Compiler stage 2: Computing intermediate representation of objects")
logger.info(79 * "*")
# Compute object names
# NOTE: This is done here for performance reasons, because repeated calls
# within each IR computation would be expensive due to UFL signature computations
finite_element_names = {e: naming.finite_element_name(e, prefix) for e in analysis.unique_elements}
dofmap_names = {e: naming.dofmap_name(e, prefix) for e in analysis.unique_elements}
integral_names = {}
form_names = {}
for fd_index, fd in enumerate(analysis.form_data):
form_names[fd_index] = naming.form_name(fd.original_form, fd_index, prefix)
for itg_index, itg_data in enumerate(fd.integral_data):
integral_names[(fd_index, itg_index)] = naming.integral_name(fd.original_form, itg_data.integral_type,
fd_index, itg_data.subdomain_id, prefix)
ir_elements = [
_compute_element_ir(e, analysis.element_numbers, finite_element_names)
for e in analysis.unique_elements
ir_dofmaps = [
_compute_dofmap_ir(e, analysis.element_numbers, dofmap_names)
for e in analysis.unique_elements
irs = [
_compute_integral_ir(fd, i, analysis.element_numbers, integral_names, finite_element_names,
parameters, visualise)
for (i, fd) in enumerate(analysis.form_data)
ir_integrals = list(itertools.chain(*irs))
ir_forms = [
_compute_form_ir(fd, i, prefix, form_names, integral_names, analysis.element_numbers, finite_element_names,
dofmap_names, object_names)
for (i, fd) in enumerate(analysis.form_data)
ir_expressions = [_compute_expression_ir(expr, i, prefix, analysis, parameters, visualise, object_names,
finite_element_names, dofmap_names)
for i, expr in enumerate(analysis.expressions)]
return ir_data(elements=ir_elements, dofmaps=ir_dofmaps,
integrals=ir_integrals, forms=ir_forms,
def _compute_element_ir(ufl_element, element_numbers, finite_element_names):
"""Compute intermediate representation of element."""
logger.info(f"Computing IR for element {ufl_element}")
# Create basix elements
basix_element = create_element(ufl_element)
cell = ufl_element.cell()
cellname = cell.cellname()
# Store id
ir = {"id": element_numbers[ufl_element]}
ir["name"] = finite_element_names[ufl_element]
# Compute data for each function
ir["signature"] = repr(ufl_element)
ir["cell_shape"] = cellname
ir["topological_dimension"] = cell.topological_dimension()
ir["geometric_dimension"] = cell.geometric_dimension()
ir["space_dimension"] = basix_element.dim
ir["element_type"] = basix_element.element_type
ir["lagrange_variant"] = basix_element.lagrange_variant
ir["dpc_variant"] = basix_element.dpc_variant
ir["basix_family"] = basix_element.element_family
ir["basix_cell"] = basix_element.cell_type
ir["discontinuous"] = basix_element.discontinuous
ir["degree"] = ufl_element.degree()
ir["family"] = ufl_element.family()
ir["value_shape"] = ufl_element.value_shape()
ir["reference_value_shape"] = ufl_element.reference_value_shape()
ir["num_sub_elements"] = ufl_element.num_sub_elements()
ir["sub_elements"] = [finite_element_names[e] for e in ufl_element.sub_elements()]
if hasattr(basix_element, "block_size"):
ir["block_size"] = basix_element.block_size
ufl_element = ufl_element.sub_elements()[0]
basix_element = create_element(ufl_element)
ir["block_size"] = 1
ir["entity_dofs"] = basix_element.entity_dofs
if basix_element.is_custom_element:
ir["custom_element"] = _compute_custom_element_ir(basix_element.element)
ir["custom_element"] = None
return ir_element(**ir)
def _compute_custom_element_ir(basix_element):
"""Compute intermediate representation of a custom Basix element."""
ir = {}
ir["cell_type"] = basix_element.cell_type
ir["degree"] = basix_element.degree
ir["value_shape"] = basix_element.value_shape
ir["wcoeffs"] = basix_element.wcoeffs
ir["x"] = basix_element.x
ir["M"] = basix_element.M
ir["map_type"] = basix_element.map_type
ir["discontinuous"] = basix_element.discontinuous
ir["highest_complete_degree"] = basix_element.degree_bounds[0]
return ir_custom_element(**ir)
def _compute_dofmap_ir(ufl_element, element_numbers, dofmap_names):
"""Compute intermediate representation of dofmap."""
logger.info(f"Computing IR for dofmap of {ufl_element}")
# Create basix elements
basix_element = create_element(ufl_element)
# Store id
ir = {"id": element_numbers[ufl_element]}
ir["name"] = dofmap_names[ufl_element]
# Compute data for each function
ir["signature"] = "FFCx dofmap for " + repr(ufl_element)
ir["sub_dofmaps"] = [dofmap_names[e] for e in ufl_element.sub_elements()]
ir["num_sub_dofmaps"] = ufl_element.num_sub_elements()
if hasattr(basix_element, "block_size"):
ir["block_size"] = basix_element.block_size
basix_element = basix_element.sub_element
ir["block_size"] = 1
# Precompute repeatedly used items
for i in basix_element.num_entity_dofs:
# FIXME: this assumes the same number of DOFs on each entity of the same dim: this
# assumption will not be true for prisms and pyramids
if max(i) != min(i):
raise RuntimeError("Elements with different numbers of DOFs on subentities of the same dimension"
" are not yet supported in FFCx.")
num_dofs_per_entity = [i[0] for i in basix_element.num_entity_dofs]
ir["num_entity_dofs"] = num_dofs_per_entity
ir["tabulate_entity_dofs"] = (basix_element.entity_dofs, num_dofs_per_entity)
num_dofs_per_entity_closure = [i[0] for i in basix_element.num_entity_closure_dofs]
ir["num_entity_closure_dofs"] = num_dofs_per_entity_closure
ir["tabulate_entity_closure_dofs"] = (basix_element.entity_closure_dofs, num_dofs_per_entity_closure)
ir["num_global_support_dofs"] = basix_element.num_global_support_dofs
ir["num_element_support_dofs"] = basix_element.dim - ir["num_global_support_dofs"]
return ir_dofmap(**ir)
def _compute_integral_ir(form_data, form_index, element_numbers, integral_names,
finite_element_names, parameters, visualise):
"""Compute intermediate represention for form integrals."""
_entity_types = {
"cell": "cell",
"exterior_facet": "facet",
"interior_facet": "facet",
"vertex": "vertex",
"custom": "cell"
# Iterate over groups of integrals
irs = []
for itg_data_index, itg_data in enumerate(form_data.integral_data):
logger.info(f"Computing IR for integral in integral group {itg_data_index}")
# Compute representation
entitytype = _entity_types[itg_data.integral_type]
cell = itg_data.domain.ufl_cell()
cellname = cell.cellname()
tdim = cell.topological_dimension()
assert all(tdim == itg.ufl_domain().topological_dimension() for itg in itg_data.integrals)
ir = {
"integral_type": itg_data.integral_type,
"subdomain_id": itg_data.subdomain_id,
"rank": form_data.rank,
"geometric_dimension": form_data.geometric_dimension,
"topological_dimension": tdim,
"entitytype": entitytype,
"num_facets": cell.num_facets(),
"num_vertices": cell.num_vertices(),
"enabled_coefficients": itg_data.enabled_coefficients,
"cell_shape": cellname,
"coordinate_element": finite_element_names[itg_data.domain.ufl_coordinate_element()]
# Get element space dimensions
unique_elements = element_numbers.keys()
ir["element_dimensions"] = {
ufl_element: create_element(ufl_element).dim
for ufl_element in unique_elements
ir["element_ids"] = {
ufl_element: i
for i, ufl_element in enumerate(unique_elements)
# Create dimensions of primary indices, needed to reset the argument
# 'A' given to tabulate_tensor() by the assembler.
argument_dimensions = [
ir["element_dimensions"][ufl_element] for ufl_element in form_data.argument_elements
# Compute shape of element tensor
if ir["integral_type"] == "interior_facet":
ir["tensor_shape"] = [2 * dim for dim in argument_dimensions]
ir["tensor_shape"] = argument_dimensions
integral_type = itg_data.integral_type
cell = itg_data.domain.ufl_cell()
# Group integrands with the same quadrature rule
grouped_integrands = {}
for integral in itg_data.integrals:
md = integral.metadata() or {}
scheme = md["quadrature_rule"]
degree = md["quadrature_degree"]
if scheme == "custom":
points = md["quadrature_points"]
weights = md["quadrature_weights"]
elif scheme == "vertex":
# FIXME: Could this come from basix?
# The vertex scheme, i.e., averaging the function value in the
# vertices and multiplying with the simplex volume, is only of
# order 1 and inferior to other generic schemes in terms of
# error reduction. Equation systems generated with the vertex
# scheme have some properties that other schemes lack, e.g., the
# mass matrix is a simple diagonal matrix. This may be
# prescribed in certain cases.
if degree > 1:
"Explicitly selected vertex quadrature (degree 1), but requested degree is {}.".
if cellname == "tetrahedron":
points, weights = (numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]),
numpy.array([1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0]))
elif cellname == "triangle":
points, weights = (numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]),
numpy.array([1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0]))
elif cellname == "interval":
# Trapezoidal rule
return (numpy.array([[0.0], [1.0]]), numpy.array([1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 2.0]))
points, weights = create_quadrature_points_and_weights(
integral_type, cell, degree, scheme)
points = numpy.asarray(points)
weights = numpy.asarray(weights)
rule = QuadratureRule(points, weights)
if rule not in grouped_integrands:
grouped_integrands[rule] = []
sorted_integrals = {}
for rule, integrands in grouped_integrands.items():
integrands_summed = sorted_expr_sum(integrands)
integral_new = Integral(integrands_summed, itg_data.integral_type, itg_data.domain,
itg_data.subdomain_id, {}, None)
sorted_integrals[rule] = integral_new
# TODO: See if coefficient_numbering can be removed
# Build coefficient numbering for UFC interface here, to avoid
# renumbering in UFL and application of replace mapping
coefficient_numbering = {}
for i, f in enumerate(form_data.reduced_coefficients):
coefficient_numbering[f] = i
# Add coefficient numbering to IR
ir["coefficient_numbering"] = coefficient_numbering
index_to_coeff = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in coefficient_numbering.items()])
offsets = {}
width = 2 if integral_type in ("interior_facet") else 1
_offset = 0
for k, el in zip(index_to_coeff, form_data.coefficient_elements):
offsets[k[1]] = _offset
_offset += width * ir["element_dimensions"][el]
# Copy offsets also into IR
ir["coefficient_offsets"] = offsets
# Build offsets for Constants
original_constant_offsets = {}
_offset = 0
for constant in form_data.original_form.constants():
original_constant_offsets[constant] = _offset
_offset += numpy.product(constant.ufl_shape, dtype=int)
ir["original_constant_offsets"] = original_constant_offsets
ir["precision"] = itg_data.metadata["precision"]
# Create map from number of quadrature points -> integrand
integrands = {rule: integral.integrand() for rule, integral in sorted_integrals.items()}
# Build more specific intermediate representation
integral_ir = compute_integral_ir(itg_data.domain.ufl_cell(), itg_data.integral_type,
ir["entitytype"], integrands, ir["tensor_shape"],
parameters, visualise)
# Fetch name
ir["name"] = integral_names[(form_index, itg_data_index)]
return irs
def _compute_form_ir(form_data, form_id, prefix, form_names, integral_names, element_numbers, finite_element_names,
dofmap_names, object_names):
"""Compute intermediate representation of form."""
logger.info(f"Computing IR for form {form_id}")
# Store id
ir = {"id": form_id}
# Compute common data
ir["name"] = form_names[form_id]
ir["signature"] = form_data.original_form.signature()
ir["rank"] = len(form_data.original_form.arguments())
ir["num_coefficients"] = len(form_data.reduced_coefficients)
ir["num_constants"] = len(form_data.original_form.constants())
ir["coefficient_names"] = [object_names.get(id(obj), f"w{j}")
for j, obj in enumerate(form_data.reduced_coefficients)]
ir["constant_names"] = [object_names.get(id(obj), f"c{j}")
for j, obj in enumerate(form_data.original_form.constants())]
ir["original_coefficient_position"] = form_data.original_coefficient_positions
ir["finite_elements"] = [
for e in form_data.argument_elements + form_data.coefficient_elements
ir["dofmaps"] = [
dofmap_names[e] for e in form_data.argument_elements + form_data.coefficient_elements
fs = {}
for function in form_data.original_form.arguments() + tuple(form_data.reduced_coefficients):
name = object_names.get(id(function), str(function))
el = function.ufl_function_space().ufl_element()
cmap = function.ufl_function_space().ufl_domain().ufl_coordinate_element()
# Default point spacing for CoordinateElement is equispaced
if cmap.variant() is None:
cmap._sub_element._variant = "equispaced"
basix_cmap = create_element(cmap)
family = cmap.family()
degree = cmap.degree()
fs[name] = (finite_element_names[el], dofmap_names[el], family, degree,
basix_cmap.cell_type, basix_cmap.lagrange_variant)
form_name = object_names.get(id(form_data.original_form), form_id)
ir["function_spaces"] = fs
ir["name_from_uflfile"] = f"form_{prefix}_{form_name}"
# Store names of integrals and subdomain_ids for this form, grouped by integral types
# Since form points to all integrals it contains, it has to know their names
# for codegen phase
ir["integral_names"] = {}
ir["subdomain_ids"] = {}
ufcx_integral_types = ("cell", "exterior_facet", "interior_facet")
for integral_type in ufcx_integral_types:
ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type] = []
ir["integral_names"][integral_type] = []
for itg_index, itg_data in enumerate(form_data.integral_data):
if (itg_data.integral_type == integral_type):
if itg_data.subdomain_id == "otherwise":
# UFL is using "otherwise" for default integrals (over whole mesh)
# but FFCx needs integers, so otherwise = -1
if len(ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type]) > 0 and ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type][0] == -1:
raise ValueError("Only one default ('otherwise') integral allowed.")
# Put default integral as first
ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type] = [-1] + ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type]
ir["integral_names"][integral_type] = [
integral_names[(form_id, itg_index)]] + ir["integral_names"][integral_type]
elif itg_data.subdomain_id < 0:
raise ValueError("Integral subdomain ID must be non-negative.")
assert isinstance(itg_data.subdomain_id, int)
ir["subdomain_ids"][integral_type] += [itg_data.subdomain_id]
ir["integral_names"][integral_type] += [integral_names[(form_id, itg_index)]]
return ir_form(**ir)
def _compute_expression_ir(expression, index, prefix, analysis, parameters, visualise, object_names,
finite_element_names, dofmap_names):
"""Compute intermediate representation of expression."""
logger.info(f"Computing IR for expression {index}")
# Compute representation
ir = {}
original_expression = (expression[2], expression[1])
ir["name"] = naming.expression_name(original_expression, prefix)
original_expression = expression[2]
points = expression[1]
expression = expression[0]
cell = expression.ufl_domain().ufl_cell()
except AttributeError:
# This case corresponds to a spatially constant expression
# without any dependencies
cell = None
# Prepare dimensions of all unique element in expression, including
# elements for arguments, coefficients and coordinate mappings
ir["element_dimensions"] = {
ufl_element: create_element(ufl_element).dim
for ufl_element in analysis.unique_elements
# Extract dimensions for elements of arguments only
arguments = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(expression)
argument_elements = tuple(f.ufl_function_space().ufl_element() for f in arguments)
argument_dimensions = [
ir["element_dimensions"][ufl_element] for ufl_element in argument_elements
tensor_shape = argument_dimensions
ir["tensor_shape"] = tensor_shape
ir["expression_shape"] = list(expression.ufl_shape)
coefficients = ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(expression)
coefficient_numbering = {}
for i, coeff in enumerate(coefficients):
coefficient_numbering[coeff] = i
# Add coefficient numbering to IR
ir["coefficient_numbering"] = coefficient_numbering
original_coefficient_positions = []
original_coefficients = ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(original_expression)
for coeff in coefficients:
ir["coefficient_names"] = [object_names.get(id(obj), f"w{j}")
for j, obj in enumerate(coefficients)]
ir["constant_names"] = [object_names.get(id(obj), f"c{j}")
for j, obj in enumerate(ufl.algorithms.analysis.extract_constants(expression))]
fs = {}
for function in tuple(original_coefficients) + tuple(arguments):
name = object_names.get(id(function), str(function))
el = function.ufl_function_space().ufl_element()
cmap = function.ufl_function_space().ufl_domain().ufl_coordinate_element()
family = cmap.family()
degree = cmap.degree()
fs[name] = (finite_element_names[el], dofmap_names[el], family, degree)
expression_name = object_names.get(id(original_expression), index)
ir["function_spaces"] = fs
ir["name_from_uflfile"] = f"expression_{prefix}_{expression_name}"
if len(argument_elements) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Expression with more than one Argument not implemented.")
ir["original_coefficient_positions"] = original_coefficient_positions
coefficient_elements = tuple(f.ufl_element() for f in coefficients)
offsets = {}
_offset = 0
for i, el in enumerate(coefficient_elements):
offsets[coefficients[i]] = _offset
_offset += ir["element_dimensions"][el]
# Copy offsets also into IR
ir["coefficient_offsets"] = offsets
ir["integral_type"] = "expression"
ir["entitytype"] = "cell"
# Build offsets for Constants
original_constant_offsets = {}
_offset = 0
for constant in ufl.algorithms.analysis.extract_constants(expression):
original_constant_offsets[constant] = _offset
_offset += numpy.product(constant.ufl_shape, dtype=int)
ir["original_constant_offsets"] = original_constant_offsets
ir["points"] = points
weights = numpy.array([1.0] * points.shape[0])
rule = QuadratureRule(points, weights)
integrands = {rule: expression}
if cell is None:
assert len(ir["original_coefficient_positions"]) == 0 and len(ir["original_constant_offsets"]) == 0
expression_ir = compute_integral_ir(cell, ir["integral_type"], ir["entitytype"], integrands, tensor_shape,
parameters, visualise)
return ir_expression(**ir)