--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.16.4 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 --- # Matrix-free conjugate gradient solver for the Poisson equation This demo illustrates how to solve the Poisson equation using a matrix-free conjugate gradient (CG) solver. In particular, it illustrates how to - Solve a linear partial differential equation using a matrix-free conjugate gradient (CG) solver - Create and apply Dirichlet boundary conditions - Compute approximation error as compared with a known exact solution, {download}`Python script <./demo_poisson_matrix_free.py>`\ {download}`Jupyter notebook <./demo_poisson_matrix_free.ipynb>` ```{note} This demo illustrates the use of a matrix-free conjugate gradient solver. Many practical problems will also require a preconditioner to create an efficient solver. This is not covered here. ``` ## Problem definition For a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with boundary $\partial \Omega$, the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions reads: $$ \begin{align} - \nabla^{2} u &= f \quad {\rm in} \ \Omega, \\ u &= u_{\rm D} \; {\rm on} \ \partial\Omega. \end{align} $$ The variational problem reads: Given a suitable function space satisfying the essential boundary condition ($u = u_{\rm D} \ {\rm on} \ \partial\Omega$), $V$, and its homogenised counterpart, $V_0$, find $u \in V$ such that $$ a(u, v) = L(v) \quad \forall \ v \in V_0, $$ where the bilinear and linear formulations are $$ \begin{align} a(u, v) &:= \int_{\Omega} \nabla u \cdot \nabla v \, {\rm d} x, \\ L(v) &:= \int_{\Omega} f v \, {\rm d} x, \end{align} $$ respectively. In this demo we select: - $\Omega = [0,1] \times [0,1]$ (a square) - $u_{\rm D} = 1 + x^2 + 2y^2$ - $f = -6$ The function $u_{\rm D}$ is futher the exact solution of the posed problem. ## Implementation The modules that will be used are imported: ```python from mpi4py import MPI ``` ```python import numpy as np ``` ```python import dolfinx import ufl from dolfinx import fem, la from ufl import action, dx, grad, inner ``` We begin by using {py:func}`create_rectangle ` to create a rectangular {py:class}`Mesh ` of the domain, and creating a finite element {py:class}`FunctionSpace ` on the mesh. ```python dtype = dolfinx.default_scalar_type real_type = np.real(dtype(0.0)).dtype comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_rectangle(comm, [[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]], [10, 10], dtype=real_type) ``` ```python # Create function space degree = 2 V = fem.functionspace(mesh, ("Lagrange", degree)) ``` The second argument to {py:class}`functionspace ` is a tuple consisting of `(family, degree)`, where `family` is the finite element family, and `degree` specifies the polynomial degree. In this case `V` consists of third-order, continuous Lagrange finite element functions. Next, we locate the mesh facets that lie on the domain boundary $\partial\Omega$. We do this by first calling {py:func}`create_connectivity ` and then retrieving all facets on the boundary using {py:func}`exterior_facet_indices `. ```python tdim = mesh.topology.dim mesh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim - 1, tdim) facets = dolfinx.mesh.exterior_facet_indices(mesh.topology) ``` We now find the degrees of freedom that are associated with the boundary facets using {py:func}`locate_dofs_topological ` ```python dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V=V, entity_dim=tdim - 1, entities=facets) ``` and use {py:func}`dirichletbc ` to define the essential boundary condition. On the boundary we prescribe the {py:class}`Function ` `uD`, which we create by interpolating the expression $u_{\rm D}$ in the finite element space $V$. ```python uD = fem.Function(V, dtype=dtype) uD.interpolate(lambda x: 1 + x[0] ** 2 + 2 * x[1] ** 2) bc = fem.dirichletbc(value=uD, dofs=dofs) ``` Next, we express the variational problem using UFL. ```python x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) u = ufl.TrialFunction(V) v = ufl.TestFunction(V) f = fem.Constant(mesh, dtype(-6.0)) a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx L = inner(f, v) * dx L_fem = fem.form(L, dtype=dtype) ``` For the matrix-free solvers we also define a second linear form `M` as the {py:class}`action ` of the bilinear form $a$ on an arbitrary {py:class}`Function ` `ui`. This linear form is defined as $$ M(v) = a(u_i, v) \quad \text{for} \; \ u_i \in V. $$ ```python ui = fem.Function(V, dtype=dtype) M = action(a, ui) M_fem = fem.form(M, dtype=dtype) ``` ### Matrix-free conjugate gradient solver The right hand side vector $b - A x_{\rm bc}$ is the assembly of the linear form $L$ where the essential Dirichlet boundary conditions are implemented using lifting. Since we want to avoid assembling the matrix `A`, we compute the necessary matrix-vector product using the linear form `M` explicitly. ```python # Apply lifting: b <- b - A * x_bc b = fem.assemble_vector(L_fem) ui.x.array[:] = 0.0 bc.set(ui.x.array, alpha=-1.0) fem.assemble_vector(b.array, M_fem) b.scatter_reverse(la.InsertMode.add) ``` ```python # Set BC dofs to zero on right hand side bc.set(b.array, alpha=0.0) b.scatter_forward() ``` To implement the matrix-free CG solver using *DOLFINx* vectors, we define the function `action_A` to compute the matrix-vector product $y = A x$. ```python def action_A(x, y): # Set coefficient vector of the linear form M and ensure it is updated # across processes ui.x.array[:] = x.array ui.x.scatter_forward() # Compute action of A on ui using the linear form M y.array[:] = 0.0 fem.assemble_vector(y.array, M_fem) y.scatter_reverse(la.InsertMode.add) # Set BC dofs to zero bc.set(y.array, alpha=0.0) ``` ### Basic conjugate gradient solver Solves the problem `A x = b`, using the function `action_A` as the operator, `x` as an initial guess of the solution, and `b` as the right hand side vector. `comm` is the MPI Communicator, `max_iter` is the maximum number of iterations, `rtol` is the relative tolerance. ```python def cg(comm, action_A, x: la.Vector, b: la.Vector, max_iter: int = 200, rtol: float = 1e-6): rtol2 = rtol**2 nr = b.index_map.size_local def _global_dot(comm, v0, v1): # Only use the owned dofs in vector (up to nr) return comm.allreduce(np.vdot(v0[:nr], v1[:nr]), MPI.SUM) # Get initial y = A.x y = la.vector(b.index_map, 1, dtype) action_A(x, y) # Copy residual to p r = b.array - y.array p = la.vector(b.index_map, 1, dtype) p.array[:] = r # Iterations of CG rnorm0 = _global_dot(comm, r, r) rnorm = rnorm0 for k in range(max_iter): action_A(p, y) alpha = rnorm / _global_dot(comm, p.array, y.array) x.array[:] += alpha * p.array r -= alpha * y.array rnorm_new = _global_dot(comm, r, r) beta = rnorm_new / rnorm rnorm = rnorm_new if comm.rank == 0: print(k, np.sqrt(rnorm / rnorm0)) if rnorm / rnorm0 < rtol2: x.scatter_forward() return k p.array[:] = beta * p.array + r raise RuntimeError(f"Solver exceeded max iterations ({max_iter}).") ``` This matrix-free solver is now used to compute the finite element solution. The finite element solution's approximation error as compared with the exact solution is measured in the $L_2$-norm. ```python rtol = 1e-6 u = fem.Function(V, dtype=dtype) iter_cg1 = cg(mesh.comm, action_A, u.x, b, max_iter=200, rtol=rtol) ``` ```python # Set BC values in the solution vector bc.set(u.x.array, alpha=1.0) ``` ```python def L2Norm(u): val = fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(inner(u, u) * dx, dtype=dtype)) return np.sqrt(comm.allreduce(val, op=MPI.SUM)) ``` ```python # Print CG iteration number and error error_L2_cg1 = L2Norm(u - uD) if mesh.comm.rank == 0: print("Matrix-free CG solver using DOLFINx vectors:") print(f"CG iterations until convergence: {iter_cg1}") print(f"L2 approximation error: {error_L2_cg1:.4e}") ```