--- jupytext: main_language: python text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.16.4 --- # Mixed formulation for the Poisson equation +++ This demo illustrates how to solve Poisson equation using a mixed (two-field) formulation. In particular, it illustrates how to * Use mixed and non-continuous finite element spaces. * Set essential boundary conditions for subspaces and $H(\mathrm{div})$ spaces. +++ ```{admonition} Download sources :class: download * {download}`Python script <./demo_mixed-poisson.py>` * {download}`Jupyter notebook <./demo_mixed-poisson.ipynb>` ``` ## Equation and problem definition An alternative formulation of Poisson equation can be formulated by introducing an additional (vector) variable, namely the (negative) flux: $\sigma = \nabla u$. The partial differential equations then read $$ \begin{align} \sigma - \nabla u &= 0 \quad {\rm in} \ \Omega, \\ \nabla \cdot \sigma &= - f \quad {\rm in} \ \Omega, \end{align} $$ with boundary conditions $$ u = u_0 \quad {\rm on} \ \Gamma_{D}, \\ \sigma \cdot n = g \quad {\rm on} \ \Gamma_{N}. $$ The same equations arise in connection with flow in porous media, and are also referred to as Darcy flow. Here $n$ denotes the outward pointing normal vector on the boundary. Looking at the variational form, we see that the boundary condition for the flux ($\sigma \cdot n = g$) is now an essential boundary condition (which should be enforced in the function space), while the other boundary condition ($u = u_0$) is a natural boundary condition (which should be applied to the variational form). Inserting the boundary conditions, this variational problem can be phrased in the general form: find $(\sigma, u) \in \Sigma_g \times V$ such that $$ a((\sigma, u), (\tau, v)) = L((\tau, v)) \quad \forall \ (\tau, v) \in \Sigma_0 \times V, $$ where the variational forms $a$ and $L$ are defined as $$ \begin{align} a((\sigma, u), (\tau, v)) &= \int_{\Omega} \sigma \cdot \tau + \nabla \cdot \tau \ u + \nabla \cdot \sigma \ v \ {\rm d} x, \\ L((\tau, v)) &= - \int_{\Omega} f v \ {\rm d} x + \int_{\Gamma_D} u_0 \tau \cdot n \ {\rm d} s, \end{align} $$ and $\Sigma_g = \{ \tau \in H({\rm div})$ such that $\tau \cdot n|_{\Gamma_N} = g \}$ and $V = L^2(\Omega)$. To discretize the above formulation, two discrete function spaces $\Sigma_h \subset \Sigma$ and $V_h \subset V$ are needed to form a mixed function space $\Sigma_h \times V_h$. A stable choice of finite element spaces is to let $\Sigma_h$ be the Brezzi-Douglas-Marini elements of polynomial order $k$ and let $V_h$ be discontinuous elements of polynomial order $k-1$. We will use the same definitions of functions and boundaries as in the demo for {doc}`the Poisson equation `. These are: * $\Omega = [0,1] \times [0,1]$ (a unit square) * $\Gamma_{D} = \{(0, y) \cup (1, y) \in \partial \Omega\}$ * $\Gamma_{N} = \{(x, 0) \cup (x, 1) \in \partial \Omega\}$ * $u_0 = 0$ * $g = \sin(5x)$ (flux) * $f = 10\exp(-((x - 0.5)^2 + (y - 0.5)^2) / 0.02)$ (source term) ## Implementation ```python try: from petsc4py import PETSc import dolfinx if not dolfinx.has_petsc: print("This demo requires DOLFINx to be compiled with PETSc enabled.") exit(0) except ModuleNotFoundError: print("This demo requires petsc4py.") exit(0) from mpi4py import MPI import numpy as np from basix.ufl import element, mixed_element from dolfinx import default_real_type, fem, io, mesh from dolfinx.fem.petsc import LinearProblem from ufl import Measure, SpatialCoordinate, TestFunctions, TrialFunctions, div, exp, inner msh = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 32, 32, mesh.CellType.quadrilateral) k = 1 Q_el = element("BDMCF", msh.basix_cell(), k, dtype=default_real_type) P_el = element("DG", msh.basix_cell(), k - 1, dtype=default_real_type) V_el = mixed_element([Q_el, P_el]) V = fem.functionspace(msh, V_el) (sigma, u) = TrialFunctions(V) (tau, v) = TestFunctions(V) x = SpatialCoordinate(msh) f = 10.0 * exp(-((x[0] - 0.5) * (x[0] - 0.5) + (x[1] - 0.5) * (x[1] - 0.5)) / 0.02) dx = Measure("dx", msh) a = inner(sigma, tau) * dx + inner(u, div(tau)) * dx + inner(div(sigma), v) * dx L = -inner(f, v) * dx # Get subspace of V V0 = V.sub(0) fdim = msh.topology.dim - 1 facets_top = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(msh, fdim, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 1.0)) Q, _ = V0.collapse() dofs_top = fem.locate_dofs_topological((V0, Q), fdim, facets_top) def f1(x): values = np.zeros((2, x.shape[1])) values[1, :] = np.sin(5 * x[0]) return values f_h1 = fem.Function(Q) f_h1.interpolate(f1) bc_top = fem.dirichletbc(f_h1, dofs_top, V0) facets_bottom = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(msh, fdim, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], 0.0)) dofs_bottom = fem.locate_dofs_topological((V0, Q), fdim, facets_bottom) def f2(x): values = np.zeros((2, x.shape[1])) values[1, :] = -np.sin(5 * x[0]) return values f_h2 = fem.Function(Q) f_h2.interpolate(f2) bc_bottom = fem.dirichletbc(f_h2, dofs_bottom, V0) bcs = [bc_top, bc_bottom] problem = LinearProblem( a, L, bcs=bcs, petsc_options={ "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu", "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "superlu_dist", }, ) try: w_h = problem.solve() except PETSc.Error as e: # type: ignore if e.ierr == 92: print("The required PETSc solver/preconditioner is not available. Exiting.") print(e) exit(0) else: raise e sigma_h, u_h = w_h.split() with io.XDMFFile(msh.comm, "out_mixed_poisson/u.xdmf", "w") as file: file.write_mesh(msh) file.write_function(u_h) ```