DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Todo List
Class CoordinateElement< T >
A dof layout on a reference cell needs to be defined.
Member dolfinx::geometry::determine_point_ownership (const mesh::Mesh< T > &mesh, std::span< const T > points, T padding)
This docstring is unclear. Needs fixing.
Namespace dolfinx::graph::build
Add a function that sends data to the 'owner'
Member dolfinx::la::petsc::create_index_sets (const std::vector< std::pair< std::reference_wrapper< const common::IndexMap >, int > > &maps)
This function could take just the local sizes.
Member dolfinx::refinement::adjust_indices (const common::IndexMap &map, std::int32_t n)
Improve docstring.
Member FunctionSpace< T >::tabulate_dof_coordinates (bool transpose) const
Remove - see function in interpolate.h
Member IndexMap::index_to_dest_ranks () const
Aim to remove this function?
Member MatrixCSR< Scalar, Container, ColContainer, RowPtrContainer >::MatrixCSR (MatrixCSR &&A)=default
Check handling of MPI_Request
Member SparsityPattern::column_index_map () const
Should this be compted and stored when finalising the SparsityPattern?
Class Topology
Rework memory management and associated API. Currently, there is no clear caching policy implemented and no way of discarding cached data.
Member Topology::set_connectivity (std::shared_ptr< graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > > c, int d0, int d1)
Merge with set_index_map
Member Topology::set_index_map (int dim, std::shared_ptr< const common::IndexMap > map)
Merge with set_connectivity
Member Topology::set_index_map (std::int8_t dim, std::int8_t i, std::shared_ptr< const common::IndexMap > map)
Merge with set_connectivity