DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
1// Copyright (C) 2022 Igor Baratta and Garth N. Wells
3// This file is part of DOLFINx (
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
7#pragma once
9#include "IndexMap.h"
10#include "MPI.h"
11#include "sort.h"
12#include <algorithm>
13#include <functional>
14#include <memory>
15#include <mpi.h>
16#include <numeric>
17#include <span>
18#include <type_traits>
19#include <vector>
21using namespace dolfinx;
23namespace dolfinx::common
31template <class Allocator = std::allocator<std::int32_t>>
36 using allocator_type = Allocator;
39 enum class type
40 {
41 neighbor, // use MPI neighborhood collectives
42 p2p // use MPI Isend/Irecv for communication
43 };
51 Scatterer(const IndexMap& map, int bs, const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
52 : _bs(bs), _remote_inds(0, alloc), _local_inds(0, alloc),
53 _src(map.src().begin(), map.src().end()),
54 _dest(map.dest().begin(), map.dest().end())
55 {
56 if (dolfinx::MPI::size(map.comm()) == 1)
57 return;
59 // Check that src and dest ranks are unique and sorted
60 assert(std::ranges::is_sorted(_src));
61 assert(std::ranges::is_sorted(_dest));
63 // Create communicators with directed edges:
64 // (0) owner -> ghost,
65 // (1) ghost -> owner
66 MPI_Comm comm0;
67 MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(
68 map.comm(), _src.size(),, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, _dest.size(),
69, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, MPI_INFO_NULL, false, &comm0);
70 _comm0 = dolfinx::MPI::Comm(comm0, false);
72 MPI_Comm comm1;
73 MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(
74 map.comm(), _dest.size(),, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, _src.size(),
75, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, MPI_INFO_NULL, false, &comm1);
76 _comm1 = dolfinx::MPI::Comm(comm1, false);
78 // Build permutation array that sorts ghost indices by owning rank
79 std::span owners = map.owners();
80 std::vector<std::int32_t> perm(owners.size());
81 std::iota(perm.begin(), perm.end(), 0);
82 dolfinx::radix_sort(perm, [&owners](auto index) { return owners[index]; });
84 // Sort (i) ghost indices and (ii) ghost index owners by rank
85 // (using perm array)
86 std::span ghosts = map.ghosts();
87 std::vector<int> owners_sorted(owners.size());
88 std::vector<std::int64_t> ghosts_sorted(owners.size());
89 std::ranges::transform(perm, owners_sorted.begin(),
90 [&owners](auto idx) { return owners[idx]; });
91 std::ranges::transform(perm, ghosts_sorted.begin(),
92 [&ghosts](auto idx) { return ghosts[idx]; });
94 // For data associated with ghost indices, packed by owning
95 // (neighbourhood) rank, compute sizes and displacements. I.e.,
96 // when sending ghost index data from this rank to the owning
97 // ranks, disp[i] is the first entry in the buffer sent to
98 // neighbourhood rank i, and disp[i + 1] - disp[i] is the number
99 // of values sent to rank i.
100 _sizes_remote.resize(_src.size(), 0);
101 _displs_remote.resize(_src.size() + 1, 0);
102 std::vector<std::int32_t>::iterator begin = owners_sorted.begin();
103 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _src.size(); i++)
104 {
105 auto upper = std::upper_bound(begin, owners_sorted.end(), _src[i]);
106 int num_ind = std::distance(begin, upper);
107 _displs_remote[i + 1] = _displs_remote[i] + num_ind;
108 _sizes_remote[i] = num_ind;
109 begin = upper;
110 }
112 // For data associated with owned indices that are ghosted by
113 // other ranks, compute the size and displacement arrays. When
114 // sending data associated with ghost indices to the owner, these
115 // size and displacement arrays are for the receive buffer.
117 // Compute sizes and displacements of local data (how many local
118 // elements to be sent/received grouped by neighbors)
119 _sizes_local.resize(_dest.size());
120 _displs_local.resize(_sizes_local.size() + 1);
121 _sizes_remote.reserve(1);
122 _sizes_local.reserve(1);
123 MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(, 1, MPI_INT32_T,
124, 1, MPI_INT32_T, _comm1.comm());
125 std::partial_sum(_sizes_local.begin(), _sizes_local.end(),
126 std::next(_displs_local.begin()));
128 assert((std::int32_t)ghosts_sorted.size() == _displs_remote.back());
129 assert((std::int32_t)ghosts_sorted.size() == _displs_remote.back());
131 // Send ghost global indices to owning rank, and receive owned
132 // indices that are ghosts on other ranks
133 std::vector<std::int64_t> recv_buffer(_displs_local.back(), 0);
134 MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(,,
135, MPI_INT64_T,
137, MPI_INT64_T, _comm1.comm());
139 const std::array<std::int64_t, 2> range = map.local_range();
140#ifndef NDEBUG
141 // Check that all received indice are within the owned range
142 std::ranges::for_each(recv_buffer, [range](auto idx)
143 { assert(idx >= range[0] and idx < range[1]); });
146 // Scale sizes and displacements by block size
147 {
148 auto rescale = [](auto& x, int bs) {
149 std::ranges::transform(x, x.begin(), [bs](auto e) { return e *= bs; });
150 };
151 rescale(_sizes_local, bs);
152 rescale(_displs_local, bs);
153 rescale(_sizes_remote, bs);
154 rescale(_displs_remote, bs);
155 }
157 // Expand local indices using block size and convert it from
158 // global to local numbering
159 _local_inds = std::vector<std::int32_t, allocator_type>(
160 recv_buffer.size() * _bs, alloc);
161 std::int64_t offset = range[0] * _bs;
162 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < recv_buffer.size(); i++)
163 for (int j = 0; j < _bs; j++)
164 _local_inds[i * _bs + j] = (recv_buffer[i] * _bs + j) - offset;
166 // Expand remote indices using block size
167 _remote_inds
168 = std::vector<std::int32_t, allocator_type>(perm.size() * _bs, alloc);
169 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < perm.size(); i++)
170 for (int j = 0; j < _bs; j++)
171 _remote_inds[i * _bs + j] = perm[i] * _bs + j;
172 }
194 template <typename T>
195 void scatter_fwd_begin(std::span<const T> send_buffer,
196 std::span<T> recv_buffer,
197 std::span<MPI_Request> requests,
198 Scatterer::type type = type::neighbor) const
199 {
200 // Return early if there are no incoming or outgoing edges
201 if (_sizes_local.empty() and _sizes_remote.empty())
202 return;
204 switch (type)
205 {
206 case type::neighbor:
207 {
208 assert(requests.size() == std::size_t(1));
209 MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(
211 dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(),,,
212, dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(), _comm0.comm(),
214 break;
215 }
216 case type::p2p:
217 {
218 assert(requests.size() == _dest.size() + _src.size());
219 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _src.size(); i++)
220 {
221 MPI_Irecv( + _displs_remote[i], _sizes_remote[i],
222 dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(), _src[i], MPI_ANY_TAG,
223 _comm0.comm(), &requests[i]);
224 }
226 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _dest.size(); i++)
227 {
228 MPI_Isend( + _displs_local[i], _sizes_local[i],
229 dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(), _dest[i], 0, _comm0.comm(),
230 &requests[i + _src.size()]);
231 }
232 break;
233 }
234 default:
235 throw std::runtime_error("Scatter::type not recognized");
236 }
237 }
247 void scatter_fwd_end(std::span<MPI_Request> requests) const
248 {
249 // Return early if there are no incoming or outgoing edges
250 if (_sizes_local.empty() and _sizes_remote.empty())
251 return;
253 // Wait for communication to complete
254 MPI_Waitall(requests.size(),, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
255 }
277 template <typename T, typename F>
278 requires std::is_invocable_v<F, std::span<const T>,
279 std::span<const std::int32_t>, std::span<T>>
280 void scatter_fwd_begin(std::span<const T> local_data,
281 std::span<T> local_buffer, std::span<T> remote_buffer,
282 F pack_fn, std::span<MPI_Request> requests,
283 Scatterer::type type = type::neighbor) const
284 {
285 assert(local_buffer.size() == _local_inds.size());
286 assert(remote_buffer.size() == _remote_inds.size());
287 pack_fn(local_data, _local_inds, local_buffer);
288 scatter_fwd_begin(std::span<const T>(local_buffer), remote_buffer, requests,
289 type);
290 }
311 template <typename T, typename F>
312 requires std::is_invocable_v<F, std::span<const T>,
313 std::span<const std::int32_t>, std::span<T>,
314 std::function<T(T, T)>>
315 void scatter_fwd_end(std::span<const T> remote_buffer,
316 std::span<T> remote_data, F unpack_fn,
317 std::span<MPI_Request> requests) const
318 {
319 assert(remote_buffer.size() == _remote_inds.size());
320 assert(remote_data.size() == _remote_inds.size());
321 scatter_fwd_end(requests);
322 unpack_fn(remote_buffer, _remote_inds, remote_data,
323 [](T /*a*/, T b) { return b; });
324 }
337 template <typename T>
338 void scatter_fwd(std::span<const T> local_data,
339 std::span<T> remote_data) const
340 {
341 std::vector<MPI_Request> requests(1, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
342 std::vector<T> local_buffer(local_buffer_size(), 0);
343 std::vector<T> remote_buffer(remote_buffer_size(), 0);
344 auto pack_fn = [](auto&& in, auto&& idx, auto&& out)
345 {
346 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
347 out[i] = in[idx[i]];
348 };
349 scatter_fwd_begin(local_data, std::span<T>(local_buffer),
350 std::span<T>(remote_buffer), pack_fn,
351 std::span<MPI_Request>(requests));
353 auto unpack_fn = [](auto&& in, auto&& idx, auto&& out, auto op)
354 {
355 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
356 out[idx[i]] = op(out[idx[i]], in[i]);
357 };
359 scatter_fwd_end(std::span<const T>(remote_buffer), remote_data, unpack_fn,
360 std::span<MPI_Request>(requests));
361 }
389 template <typename T>
390 void scatter_rev_begin(std::span<const T> send_buffer,
391 std::span<T> recv_buffer,
392 std::span<MPI_Request> requests,
393 Scatterer::type type = type::neighbor) const
394 {
395 // Return early if there are no incoming or outgoing edges
396 if (_sizes_local.empty() and _sizes_remote.empty())
397 return;
399 // // Send and receive data
401 switch (type)
402 {
403 case type::neighbor:
404 {
405 assert(requests.size() == 1);
406 MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(,,
407, MPI::mpi_type<T>(),
409, MPI::mpi_type<T>(),
410 _comm1.comm(), &requests[0]);
411 break;
412 }
413 case type::p2p:
414 {
415 assert(requests.size() == _dest.size() + _src.size());
416 // Start non-blocking send from this process to ghost owners.
417 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _dest.size(); i++)
418 {
419 MPI_Irecv( + _displs_local[i], _sizes_local[i],
420 dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(), _dest[i], MPI_ANY_TAG,
421 _comm0.comm(), &requests[i]);
422 }
424 // Start non-blocking receive from neighbor process for which an owned
425 // index is a ghost.
426 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _src.size(); i++)
427 {
428 MPI_Isend( + _displs_remote[i], _sizes_remote[i],
429 dolfinx::MPI::mpi_type<T>(), _src[i], 0, _comm0.comm(),
430 &requests[i + _dest.size()]);
431 }
432 break;
433 }
434 default:
435 throw std::runtime_error("Scatter::type not recognized");
436 }
437 }
447 void scatter_rev_end(std::span<MPI_Request> request) const
448 {
449 // Return early if there are no incoming or outgoing edges
450 if (_sizes_local.empty() and _sizes_remote.empty())
451 return;
453 // Wait for communication to complete
454 MPI_Waitall(request.size(),, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
455 }
481 template <typename T, typename F>
482 requires std::is_invocable_v<F, std::span<const T>,
483 std::span<const std::int32_t>, std::span<T>>
484 void scatter_rev_begin(std::span<const T> remote_data,
485 std::span<T> remote_buffer, std::span<T> local_buffer,
486 F pack_fn, std::span<MPI_Request> request,
487 Scatterer::type type = type::neighbor) const
488 {
489 assert(local_buffer.size() == _local_inds.size());
490 assert(remote_buffer.size() == _remote_inds.size());
491 pack_fn(remote_data, _remote_inds, remote_buffer);
492 scatter_rev_begin(std::span<const T>(remote_buffer), local_buffer, request,
493 type);
494 }
515 template <typename T, typename F, typename BinaryOp>
516 requires std::is_invocable_v<F, std::span<const T>,
517 std::span<const std::int32_t>, std::span<T>,
518 BinaryOp>
519 and std::is_invocable_r_v<T, BinaryOp, T, T>
520 void scatter_rev_end(std::span<const T> local_buffer, std::span<T> local_data,
521 F unpack_fn, BinaryOp op, std::span<MPI_Request> request)
522 {
523 assert(local_buffer.size() == _local_inds.size());
524 if (!_local_inds.empty())
525 {
526 assert(*std::ranges::max_element(_local_inds)
527 < std::int32_t(local_data.size()));
528 }
529 scatter_rev_end(request);
530 unpack_fn(local_buffer, _local_inds, local_data, op);
531 }
535 template <typename T, typename BinaryOp>
536 void scatter_rev(std::span<T> local_data, std::span<const T> remote_data,
537 BinaryOp op)
538 {
539 std::vector<T> local_buffer(local_buffer_size(), 0);
540 std::vector<T> remote_buffer(remote_buffer_size(), 0);
541 auto pack_fn = [](auto&& in, auto&& idx, auto&& out)
542 {
543 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
544 out[i] = in[idx[i]];
545 };
546 auto unpack_fn = [](auto&& in, auto&& idx, auto&& out, auto op)
547 {
548 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i)
549 out[idx[i]] = op(out[idx[i]], in[i]);
550 };
551 std::vector<MPI_Request> request(1, MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
552 scatter_rev_begin(remote_data, std::span<T>(remote_buffer),
553 std::span<T>(local_buffer), pack_fn,
554 std::span<MPI_Request>(request));
555 scatter_rev_end(std::span<const T>(local_buffer), local_data, unpack_fn, op,
556 std::span<MPI_Request>(request));
557 }
562 std::int32_t local_buffer_size() const noexcept { return _local_inds.size(); }
567 std::int32_t remote_buffer_size() const noexcept
568 {
569 return _remote_inds.size();
570 }
575 const std::vector<std::int32_t>& local_indices() const noexcept
576 {
577 return _local_inds;
578 }
582 const std::vector<std::int32_t>& remote_indices() const noexcept
583 {
584 return _remote_inds;
585 }
590 int bs() const noexcept { return _bs; }
595 = type::neighbor)
596 {
597 std::vector<MPI_Request> requests;
598 switch (type)
599 {
600 case type::neighbor:
601 requests = {MPI_REQUEST_NULL};
602 break;
603 case type::p2p:
604 requests.resize(_dest.size() + _src.size(), MPI_REQUEST_NULL);
605 break;
606 default:
607 throw std::runtime_error("Scatter::type not recognized");
608 }
609 return requests;
610 }
613 // Block size
614 int _bs;
616 // Communicator where the source ranks own the indices in the callers
617 // halo, and the destination ranks 'ghost' indices owned by the
618 // caller. I.e.,
619 // - in-edges (src) are from ranks that own my ghosts
620 // - out-edges (dest) go to ranks that 'ghost' my owned indices
621 dolfinx::MPI::Comm _comm0{MPI_COMM_NULL};
623 // Communicator where the source ranks have ghost indices that are
624 // owned by the caller, and the destination ranks are the owners of
625 // indices in the callers halo region. I.e.,
626 // - in-edges (src) are from ranks that 'ghost' my owned indices
627 // - out-edges (dest) are to the owning ranks of my ghost indices
628 dolfinx::MPI::Comm _comm1{MPI_COMM_NULL};
630 // Permutation indices used to pack and unpack ghost data (remote)
631 std::vector<std::int32_t, allocator_type> _remote_inds;
633 // Number of remote indices (ghosts) for each neighbor process
634 std::vector<int> _sizes_remote;
636 // Displacements of remote data for mpi scatter and gather
637 std::vector<int> _displs_remote;
639 // Permutation indices used to pack and unpack local shared data
640 // (owned indices that are shared with other processes). Indices are
641 // grouped by neighbor process.
642 std::vector<std::int32_t, allocator_type> _local_inds;
644 // Number of local shared indices per neighbor process
645 std::vector<int> _sizes_local;
647 // Displacements of local data for mpi scatter and gather
648 std::vector<int> _displs_local;
650 // Set of ranks that own ghosts
651 // FIXME: Should we store the index map instead?
652 std::vector<int> _src;
654 // Set of ranks ghost owned indices
655 // FIXME: Should we store the index map instead?
656 std::vector<int> _dest;
658} // namespace dolfinx::common
A duplicate MPI communicator and manage lifetime of the communicator.
Definition MPI.h:43
Definition IndexMap.h:94
std::span< const int > owners() const
The ranks that own each ghost index.
Definition IndexMap.h:205
std::array< std::int64_t, 2 > local_range() const noexcept
Range of indices (global) owned by this process.
Definition IndexMap.cpp:924
std::span< const std::int64_t > ghosts() const noexcept
Definition IndexMap.cpp:938
MPI_Comm comm() const
Return the MPI communicator that the map is defined on.
Definition IndexMap.cpp:1003
A Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::Index...
Definition Scatterer.h:33
std::vector< MPI_Request > create_request_vector(Scatterer::type type=type::neighbor)
Create a vector of MPI_Requests for a given Scatterer::type.
Definition Scatterer.h:594
Allocator allocator_type
The allocator type.
Definition Scatterer.h:36
void scatter_fwd_end(std::span< MPI_Request > requests) const
Complete a non-blocking send from the local owner to process ranks that have the index as a ghost.
Definition Scatterer.h:247
void scatter_fwd(std::span< const T > local_data, std::span< T > remote_data) const
Scatter data associated with owned indices to ghosting ranks.
Definition Scatterer.h:338
Scatterer(const IndexMap &map, int bs, const Allocator &alloc=Allocator())
Create a scatterer.
Definition Scatterer.h:51
void scatter_rev_end(std::span< const T > local_buffer, std::span< T > local_data, F unpack_fn, BinaryOp op, std::span< MPI_Request > request)
End the reverse scatter communication, and unpack the received local buffer into local data.
Definition Scatterer.h:520
std::int32_t remote_buffer_size() const noexcept
Buffer size for remote data (ghosts) used in forward and reverse communication.
Definition Scatterer.h:567
std::int32_t local_buffer_size() const noexcept
Size of buffer for local data (owned and shared) used in forward and reverse communication.
Definition Scatterer.h:562
void scatter_fwd_end(std::span< const T > remote_buffer, std::span< T > remote_data, F unpack_fn, std::span< MPI_Request > requests) const
Complete a non-blocking send from the local owner to process ranks that have the index as a ghost,...
Definition Scatterer.h:315
void scatter_rev_begin(std::span< const T > remote_data, std::span< T > remote_buffer, std::span< T > local_buffer, F pack_fn, std::span< MPI_Request > request, Scatterer::type type=type::neighbor) const
Scatter data associated with ghost indices to owning ranks.
Definition Scatterer.h:484
Types of MPI communication pattern used by the Scatterer.
Definition Scatterer.h:40
void scatter_rev_end(std::span< MPI_Request > request) const
End the reverse scatter communication.
Definition Scatterer.h:447
void scatter_fwd_begin(std::span< const T > send_buffer, std::span< T > recv_buffer, std::span< MPI_Request > requests, Scatterer::type type=type::neighbor) const
Start a non-blocking send of owned data to ranks that ghost the data.
Definition Scatterer.h:195
const std::vector< std::int32_t > & local_indices() const noexcept
Definition Scatterer.h:575
const std::vector< std::int32_t > & remote_indices() const noexcept
Definition Scatterer.h:582
void scatter_rev(std::span< T > local_data, std::span< const T > remote_data, BinaryOp op)
Scatter data associated with ghost indices to ranks that own the indices.
Definition Scatterer.h:536
int bs() const noexcept
The number values (block size) to send per index in the common::IndexMap use to create the scatterer.
Definition Scatterer.h:590
void scatter_fwd_begin(std::span< const T > local_data, std::span< T > local_buffer, std::span< T > remote_buffer, F pack_fn, std::span< MPI_Request > requests, Scatterer::type type=type::neighbor) const
Scatter data associated with owned indices to ghosting ranks.
Definition Scatterer.h:280
void scatter_rev_begin(std::span< const T > send_buffer, std::span< T > recv_buffer, std::span< MPI_Request > requests, Scatterer::type type=type::neighbor) const
Start a non-blocking send of ghost data to ranks that own the data.
Definition Scatterer.h:390
int size(MPI_Comm comm)
Definition MPI.cpp:72
constexpr MPI_Datatype mpi_type()
MPI Type.
Definition MPI.h:273
Miscellaneous classes, functions and types.
Definition dolfinx_common.h:8
Top-level namespace.
Definition defines.h:12
constexpr __radix_sort radix_sort
Radix sort.
Definition sort.h:124