Source code for dolfinx.fem.function

# Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Chris N. Richardson, Garth N. Wells and Michal Habera
# This file is part of DOLFINx (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Finite element function spaces and functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
import warnings
from functools import singledispatch

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

import basix
import ufl
from dolfinx import cpp as _cpp
from dolfinx import default_scalar_type, jit, la
from dolfinx.fem import dofmap

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from mpi4py import MPI as _MPI

    from dolfinx.mesh import Mesh

[docs]class Constant(ufl.Constant): def __init__(self, domain, c: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.Sequence, float, complex]): """A constant with respect to a domain. Args: domain: DOLFINx or UFL mesh c: Value of the constant. """ c = np.asarray(c) super().__init__(domain, c.shape) try: if c.dtype == np.complex64: self._cpp_object = _cpp.fem.Constant_complex64(c) elif c.dtype == np.complex128: self._cpp_object = _cpp.fem.Constant_complex128(c) elif c.dtype == np.float32: self._cpp_object = _cpp.fem.Constant_float32(c) elif c.dtype == np.float64: self._cpp_object = _cpp.fem.Constant_float64(c) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported dtype") except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Constant value must have a dtype attribute.") @property def value(self): """The value of the constant""" return self._cpp_object.value @value.setter def value(self, v): np.copyto(self._cpp_object.value, np.asarray(v)) @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._cpp_object.dtype def __float__(self): if self.ufl_shape or self.ufl_free_indices: raise TypeError( "Cannot evaluate a nonscalar expression to a scalar value.") else: return float(self.value) def __complex__(self): if self.ufl_shape or self.ufl_free_indices: raise TypeError( "Cannot evaluate a nonscalar expression to a scalar value.") else: return complex(self.value)
[docs]class Expression: def __init__(self, e: ufl.core.expr.Expr, X: np.ndarray, comm: typing.Optional[_MPI.Comm] = None, form_compiler_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None, jit_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None, dtype: typing.Optional[npt.DTypeLike] = None): """Create DOLFINx Expression. Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell. This class closely follows the concept of a UFC Expression. This functionality can be used to evaluate a gradient of a Function at the quadrature points in all cells. This evaluated gradient can then be used as input to a non-FEniCS function that calculates a material constitutive model. Args: e: UFL expression. X: Array of points of shape ``(num_points, tdim)`` on the reference element. comm: Communicator that the Expression is defined on. form_compiler_options: Options used in FFCx compilation of this Expression. Run ``ffcx --help`` in the commandline to see all available options. jit_options: Options controlling JIT compilation of C code. Note: This wrapper is responsible for the FFCx compilation of the UFL Expr and attaching the correct data to the underlying C++ Expression. """ assert X.ndim < 3 num_points = X.shape[0] if X.ndim == 2 else 1 _X = np.reshape(X, (num_points, -1)) # Get MPI communicator if comm is None: try: mesh = ufl.domain.extract_unique_domain(e).ufl_cargo() comm = mesh.comm except AttributeError: print("Could not extract MPI communicator for Expression. Maybe you need to pass a communicator?") raise # Attempt to deduce dtype if dtype is None: try: dtype = e.dtype except AttributeError: dtype = default_scalar_type # Compile UFL expression with JIT if form_compiler_options is None: form_compiler_options = dict() if dtype == np.float32: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "float" elif dtype == np.float64: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "double" elif dtype == np.complex64: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "float _Complex" elif dtype == np.complex128: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "double _Complex" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported scalar type {dtype} for Expression.") self._ufcx_expression, module, self._code = jit.ffcx_jit(comm, (e, _X), form_compiler_options=form_compiler_options, jit_options=jit_options) self._ufl_expression = e # Prepare coefficients data. For every coefficient in expression # take its C++ object. original_coefficients = ufl.algorithms.extract_coefficients(e) coeffs = [original_coefficients[self._ufcx_expression.original_coefficient_positions[i]]._cpp_object for i in range(self._ufcx_expression.num_coefficients)] ufl_constants = ufl.algorithms.analysis.extract_constants(e) constants = [constant._cpp_object for constant in ufl_constants] arguments = ufl.algorithms.extract_arguments(e) if len(arguments) == 0: self._argument_function_space = None elif len(arguments) == 1: self._argument_function_space = arguments[0].ufl_function_space()._cpp_object else: raise RuntimeError("Expressions with more that one Argument not allowed.") def _create_expression(dtype): if dtype == np.float32: return _cpp.fem.create_expression_float32 elif dtype == np.float64: return _cpp.fem.create_expression_float64 elif dtype == np.complex64: return _cpp.fem.create_expression_complex64 elif dtype == np.complex128: return _cpp.fem.create_expression_complex128 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {dtype} not supported.") ffi = module.ffi self._cpp_object = _create_expression(dtype)(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ffi.addressof(self._ufcx_expression)), coeffs, constants, self.argument_function_space)
[docs] def eval(self, mesh: Mesh, cells: np.ndarray, values: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate Expression in cells. Args: mesh: Mesh to evaluate Expression on. cells: Cells of `mesh`` to evaluate Expression on. values: Array to fill with evaluated values. If ``None``, storage will be allocated. Otherwise must have shape ``(len(cells), num_points * value_size * num_all_argument_dofs)`` Returns: Expression evaluated at points for `cells``. """ _cells = np.asarray(cells, dtype=np.int32) if self.argument_function_space is None: argument_space_dimension = 1 else: argument_space_dimension = self.argument_function_space.element.space_dimension values_shape = (_cells.shape[0], self.X().shape[0] * self.value_size * argument_space_dimension) # Allocate memory for result if u was not provided if values is None: values = np.zeros(values_shape, dtype=self.dtype) else: if values.shape != values_shape: raise TypeError("Passed array values does not have correct shape.") if values.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError("Passed array values does not have correct dtype.") self._cpp_object.eval(mesh._cpp_object, cells, values) return values
[docs] def X(self) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluation points on the reference cell""" return self._cpp_object.X()
@property def ufl_expression(self): """Original UFL Expression""" return self._ufl_expression @property def value_size(self) -> int: """Value size of the expression""" return self._cpp_object.value_size @property def argument_function_space(self) -> typing.Optional[FunctionSpaceBase]: """The argument function space if expression has argument""" return self._argument_function_space @property def ufcx_expression(self): """The compiled ufcx_expression object""" return self._ufcx_expression @property def code(self) -> str: """C code strings""" return self._code @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._cpp_object.dtype
[docs]class Function(ufl.Coefficient): """A finite element function that is represented by a function space (domain, element and dofmap) and a vector holding the degrees-of-freedom """ def __init__(self, V: FunctionSpaceBase, x: typing.Optional[la.Vector] = None, name: typing.Optional[str] = None, dtype: typing.Optional[npt.DTypeLike] = None): """Initialize a finite element Function. Args: V: The function space that the Function is defined on. x: Function degree-of-freedom vector. Typically required only when reading a saved Function from file. name: Function name. dtype: Scalar type. Is not set, the DOLFINx default scalar type is used. """ if x is not None: if dtype is None: dtype = x.array.dtype else: assert x.array.dtype == dtype, "Incompatible Vector and dtype." else: if dtype is None: dtype = default_scalar_type # PETSc Vec wrapper around the C++ function data (constructed # when first requested) self._petsc_x = None # Create cpp Function def functiontype(dtype): if dtype == np.dtype(np.float32): return _cpp.fem.Function_float32 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.float64): return _cpp.fem.Function_float64 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.complex64): return _cpp.fem.Function_complex64 elif dtype == np.dtype(np.complex128): return _cpp.fem.Function_complex128 else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {dtype} not supported.") if x is not None: self._cpp_object = functiontype(dtype)(V._cpp_object, x._cpp_object) else: self._cpp_object = functiontype(dtype)(V._cpp_object) # Initialize the ufl.FunctionSpace super().__init__(V.ufl_function_space()) # Set name if name is None: = "f" else: = name # Store DOLFINx FunctionSpace object self._V = V def __del__(self): if self._petsc_x is not None: self._petsc_x.destroy() @property def function_space(self) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """The FunctionSpace that the Function is defined on""" return self._V
[docs] def eval(self, x: npt.ArrayLike, cells: npt.ArrayLike, u=None) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate Function at points x, where x has shape (num_points, 3), and cells has shape (num_points,) and cell[i] is the index of the cell containing point x[i]. If the cell index is negative the point is ignored.""" # Make sure input coordinates are a NumPy array _x = np.asarray(x, dtype=self._V.mesh.geometry.x.dtype) assert _x.ndim < 3 if len(_x) == 0: _x = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=self._V.mesh.geometry.x.dtype) else: shape0 = _x.shape[0] if _x.ndim == 2 else 1 _x = np.reshape(_x, (shape0, -1)) num_points = _x.shape[0] if _x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Coordinate(s) for Function evaluation must have length 3.") # Make sure cells are a NumPy array _cells = np.asarray(cells, dtype=np.int32) assert _cells.ndim < 2 num_points_c = _cells.shape[0] if _cells.ndim == 1 else 1 _cells = np.reshape(_cells, num_points_c) # Allocate memory for return value if not provided if u is None: value_size = ufl.product(self.ufl_element().value_shape()) u = np.empty((num_points, value_size), self.dtype) self._cpp_object.eval(_x, _cells, u) if num_points == 1: u = np.reshape(u, (-1, )) return u
[docs] def interpolate(self, u: typing.Union[typing.Callable, Expression, Function], cells: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None, nmm_interpolation_data=((), (), (), ())) -> None: """Interpolate an expression Args: u: The function, Expression or Function to interpolate. cells: The cells to interpolate over. If `None` then all cells are interpolated over. """ @singledispatch def _interpolate(u, cells: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """Interpolate a cpp.fem.Function""" self._cpp_object.interpolate(u, cells, nmm_interpolation_data) @_interpolate.register(Function) def _(u: Function, cells: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """Interpolate a fem.Function""" self._cpp_object.interpolate(u._cpp_object, cells, nmm_interpolation_data) @_interpolate.register(int) def _(u_ptr: int, cells: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """Interpolate using a pointer to a function f(x)""" self._cpp_object.interpolate_ptr(u_ptr, cells) @_interpolate.register(Expression) def _(expr: Expression, cells: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None): """Interpolate Expression for the set of cells""" self._cpp_object.interpolate(expr._cpp_object, cells) if cells is None: mesh = self.function_space.mesh map = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim) cells = np.arange(map.size_local + map.num_ghosts, dtype=np.int32) try: # u is a Function or Expression (or pointer to one) _interpolate(u, cells) except TypeError: # u is callable assert callable(u) x = _cpp.fem.interpolation_coords(self._V.element, self._V.mesh.geometry, cells) self._cpp_object.interpolate(np.asarray(u(x), dtype=self.dtype), cells)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Function: """Create a copy of the Function. The function space is shared and the degree-of-freedom vector is copied. """ return Function(self.function_space, la.Vector(type(self.x._cpp_object)(self.x._cpp_object)))
@property def x(self) -> la.Vector: """Vector holding the degrees-of-freedom.""" return la.Vector(self._cpp_object.x) @property def vector(self): """PETSc vector holding the degrees-of-freedom. Upon first call, this function creates a PETSc ``Vec`` object that wraps the degree-of-freedom data. The ``Vec`` object is cached and the cached ``Vec`` is returned upon subsequent calls. Note: Prefer :func`x` where possible. """ if self._petsc_x is None: from import create_petsc_vector_wrap self._petsc_x = create_petsc_vector_wrap(self.x) return self._petsc_x @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: return self._cpp_object.x.array.dtype @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the Function.""" return @name.setter def name(self, name): = name def __str__(self): """Pretty print representation.""" return
[docs] def sub(self, i: int) -> Function: """Return a sub-function. Args: i: Index of the sub-function to extract. Note: The sub-functions are numbered i = 0, ..., N-1, where N is the number of sub-spaces. """ return Function(self._V.sub(i), self.x, name=f"{str(self)}_{i}")
[docs] def split(self) -> tuple[Function, ...]: """Extract (any) sub-functions. A sub-function can be extracted from a discrete function that is in a mixed, vector, or tensor FunctionSpace. The sub-function resides in the subspace of the mixed space. Returns: First level of subspaces of the function space. """ num_sub_spaces = self.function_space.num_sub_spaces if num_sub_spaces == 1: raise RuntimeError("No subfunctions to extract") return tuple(self.sub(i) for i in range(num_sub_spaces))
[docs] def collapse(self) -> Function: u_collapsed = self._cpp_object.collapse() V_collapsed = FunctionSpaceBase(self.function_space._mesh, self.ufl_element(), u_collapsed.function_space) return Function(V_collapsed, la.Vector(u_collapsed.x))
[docs]class ElementMetaData(typing.NamedTuple): """Data for representing a finite element :param family: Element type. :param degree: Polynomial degree of the element. :param shape: Shape for vector/tensor valued elements that are constructed from blocked scalar elements (e.g., Lagrange). :param symmetry: Symmetry option for blocked tensor elements. """ family: str degree: int shape: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int, ...]] = None symmetry: typing.Optional[bool] = None
[docs]def functionspace(mesh: Mesh, element: typing.Union[ufl.FiniteElementBase, ElementMetaData, typing.Tuple[str, int, typing.Tuple, bool]], form_compiler_options: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, jit_options: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """Create a finite element function space. Args: mesh: Mesh that space is defined on element: Finite element description form_compiler_options: Options passed to the form compiler jit_options: Options controlling just-in-time compilation Returns: A function space. """ # Create UFL element try: e = ElementMetaData(*element) ufl_e = basix.ufl.element(, mesh.basix_cell(),, shape=e.shape, symmetry=e.symmetry, gdim=mesh.ufl_cell().geometric_dimension()) except TypeError: ufl_e = element # type: ignore # Check that element and mesh cell types match if ufl_e.cell() != mesh.ufl_domain().ufl_cell(): raise ValueError("Non-matching UFL cell and mesh cell shapes.") # Compile dofmap and element and create DOLFIN objects dtype = mesh.geometry.x.dtype if form_compiler_options is None: form_compiler_options = dict() if dtype == np.float32: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "float" elif dtype == np.float64: form_compiler_options["scalar_type"] = "double" else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported geometry type. Must be float32 or float64.") (ufcx_element, ufcx_dofmap), module, code = jit.ffcx_jit(mesh.comm, ufl_e, form_compiler_options=form_compiler_options, jit_options=jit_options) ffi = module.ffi if dtype == np.float32: cpp_element = _cpp.fem.FiniteElement_float32(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ffi.addressof(ufcx_element))) elif dtype == np.float64: cpp_element = _cpp.fem.FiniteElement_float64(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ffi.addressof(ufcx_element))) cpp_dofmap = _cpp.fem.create_dofmap(mesh.comm, ffi.cast( "uintptr_t", ffi.addressof(ufcx_dofmap)), mesh.topology, cpp_element) # Initialize the cpp.FunctionSpace try: cppV = _cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float64(mesh._cpp_object, cpp_element, cpp_dofmap) except TypeError: cppV = _cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float32(mesh._cpp_object, cpp_element, cpp_dofmap) return FunctionSpaceBase(mesh, ufl_e, cppV)
[docs]def FunctionSpace(mesh: Mesh, element: typing.Union[ufl.FiniteElementBase, ElementMetaData, typing.Tuple[str, int, typing.Tuple, bool]], form_compiler_options: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None, jit_options: typing.Optional[dict[str, typing.Any]] = None) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """Create a finite element function space. .. deprecated:: 0.7 Use :func:`functionspace` (no caps) instead. Args: mesh: Mesh that space is defined on element: Finite element description form_compiler_options: Options passed to the form compiler jit_options: Options controlling just-in-time compilation Returns: A function space. """ return functionspace(mesh, element, form_compiler_options, jit_options)
[docs]class FunctionSpaceBase(ufl.FunctionSpace): """A space on which Functions (fields) can be defined.""" def __init__(self, mesh: Mesh, element: ufl.FiniteElementBase, cppV: typing.Union[_cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float32, _cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float64]): """Create a finite element function space. Note: This initialiser is for internal use and not normally called in user code. Use :func:`FunctionSpace` to create a function space. Args: mesh: Mesh that space is defined on element: UFL finite element cppV: Compiled C++ function space. """ if mesh._cpp_object is not cppV.mesh: raise RuntimeError("Meshes do not match in function space initialisation.") ufl_domain = mesh.ufl_domain() self._cpp_object = cppV self._mesh = mesh super().__init__(ufl_domain, element)
[docs] def clone(self) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """Create a new FunctionSpace :math:`W` which shares data with this FunctionSpace :math:`V`, but with a different unique integer ID. This function is helpful for defining mixed problems and using blocked linear algebra. For example, a matrix block defined on the spaces :math:`V \\times W` where, :math:`V` and :math:`W` are defined on the same finite element and mesh can be identified as an off-diagonal block whereas the :math:`V \\times V` and :math:`V \\times V` matrices can be identified as diagonal blocks. This is relevant for the handling of boundary conditions. Returns: A new function space that shares data """ try: Vcpp = _cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float64( self._cpp_object.mesh, self._cpp_object.element, self._cpp_object.dofmap) except TypeError: Vcpp = _cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float32( self._cpp_object.mesh, self._cpp_object.element, self._cpp_object.dofmap) return FunctionSpaceBase(self._mesh, self.ufl_element(), Vcpp)
@property def num_sub_spaces(self) -> int: """Number of sub spaces.""" return self.element.num_sub_elements
[docs] def sub(self, i: int) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """Return the i-th sub space. Args: i: The subspace index Returns: A subspace """ assert self.ufl_element().num_sub_elements() > i sub_element = self.ufl_element().sub_elements()[i] cppV_sub = self._cpp_object.sub([i]) return FunctionSpaceBase(self._mesh, sub_element, cppV_sub)
[docs] def component(self): """Return the component relative to the parent space.""" return self._cpp_object.component()
[docs] def contains(self, V) -> bool: """Check if a space is contained in, or is the same as (identity), this space. Args: V: The space to check to for inclusion. Returns: True if ``V`` is contained in, or is the same as, this space """ return self._cpp_object.contains(V._cpp_object)
def __eq__(self, other): """Comparison for equality.""" return super().__eq__(other) and self._cpp_object == other._cpp_object def __ne__(self, other): """Comparison for inequality.""" return super().__ne__(other) or self._cpp_object != other._cpp_object
[docs] def ufl_function_space(self) -> ufl.FunctionSpace: """UFL function space.""" return self
@property def element(self): """Function space finite element.""" return self._cpp_object.element @property def dofmap(self) -> dofmap.DofMap: """Degree-of-freedom map associated with the function space.""" return dofmap.DofMap(self._cpp_object.dofmap) @property def mesh(self) -> Mesh: """Mesh on which the function space is defined.""" return self._mesh
[docs] def collapse(self) -> tuple[FunctionSpaceBase, np.ndarray]: """Collapse a subspace and return a new function space and a map from new to old dofs. Returns: A new function space and the map from new to old degrees-of-freedom. """ cpp_space, dofs = self._cpp_object.collapse() V = FunctionSpaceBase(self._mesh, self.ufl_element(), cpp_space) return V, dofs
[docs] def tabulate_dof_coordinates(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Tabulate the coordinates of the degrees-of-freedom in the function space. Returns: Coordinates of the degrees-of-freedom. Note: This method is only for elements with point evaluation degrees-of-freedom. """ return self._cpp_object.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
[docs]def VectorFunctionSpace(mesh: Mesh, element: typing.Union[ElementMetaData, typing.Tuple[str, int]], dim: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> FunctionSpaceBase: """Create a vector finite element (composition of scalar elements) function space. .. deprecated:: 0.7 Use :func:`FunctionSpace` with a shape argument instead. Args: mesh: Mesh that space is defined on element: Finite element description. Must be a scalar element, e.g. Lagrange. dim: Dimension of the vector, e.g. number of vector components. It defaults to the geometric dimension of the mesh. Returns: A blocked vector function space. """ warnings.warn('This method is deprecated. Use FunctionSpace with an element shape argument instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) ed = ElementMetaData(*element) e = basix.ufl.element(, mesh.basix_cell(),, gdim=mesh.geometry.dim) if len(e.value_shape()) != 0: raise ValueError("Cannot create vector element containing a non-scalar.") ufl_e = basix.ufl.element(, mesh.basix_cell(),, shape=(mesh.geometry.dim,) if dim is None else (dim,), gdim=mesh.geometry.dim) return FunctionSpace(mesh, ufl_e)