Note: this is documentation for an old release. View the latest documentation at
DOLFINx  0.5.1
DOLFINx C++ interface
1 // Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Chris N. Richardson and Garth N. Wells
2 //
3 // This file is part of DOLFINx (
4 //
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
7 #pragma once
9 #include "xdmf_utils.h"
10 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
11 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
12 #include <dolfinx/common/IndexMap.h>
13 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Geometry.h>
14 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Mesh.h>
15 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Topology.h>
16 #include <pugixml.hpp>
20 {
23 template <typename T>
24 std::vector<T> get_dataset(MPI_Comm comm, const pugi::xml_node& dataset_node,
25  const hid_t h5_id,
26  std::array<std::int64_t, 2> range = {{0, 0}})
27 {
28  // FIXME: Need to sort out datasset dimensions - can't depend on HDF5
29  // shape, and a Topology data item is not required to have a
30  // 'Dimensions' attribute since the dimensions can be determined from
31  // the number of cells and the cell type (for topology, one must
32  // supply cell type + (number of cells or dimensions).
33  //
34  // A geometry data item must have 'Dimensions' attribute.
36  assert(dataset_node);
37  pugi::xml_attribute format_attr = dataset_node.attribute("Format");
38  assert(format_attr);
40  // Get data set shape from 'Dimensions' attribute (empty if not
41  // available)
42  const std::vector shape_xml = xdmf_utils::get_dataset_shape(dataset_node);
44  const std::string format = format_attr.as_string();
45  std::vector<T> data_vector;
46  // Only read ASCII on process 0
47  const int mpi_rank = dolfinx::MPI::rank(comm);
48  if (format == "XML")
49  {
50  if (mpi_rank == 0)
51  {
52  // Read data and trim any leading/trailing whitespace
53  pugi::xml_node data_node = dataset_node.first_child();
54  assert(data_node);
55  std::string data_str = data_node.value();
57  // Split data based on spaces and line breaks
58  std::vector<boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>> data_vector_str;
59  boost::split(data_vector_str, data_str, boost::is_any_of(" \n"));
61  // Add data to numerical vector
62  data_vector.reserve(data_vector_str.size());
63  for (auto& v : data_vector_str)
64  {
65  if (v.begin() != v.end())
66  data_vector.push_back(
67  boost::lexical_cast<T>(boost::copy_range<std::string>(v)));
68  }
69  }
70  }
71  else if (format == "HDF")
72  {
73  // Get file and data path
74  auto paths = xdmf_utils::get_hdf5_paths(dataset_node);
76  // Get data shape from HDF5 file
77  const std::vector shape_hdf5
78  = HDF5Interface::get_dataset_shape(h5_id, paths[1]);
80  // FIXME: should we support empty data sets?
81  // Check that data set is not empty
82  assert(!shape_hdf5.empty());
83  assert(shape_hdf5[0] != 0);
85  // Determine range of data to read from HDF5 file. This is
86  // complicated by the XML Dimension attribute and the HDF5 storage
87  // possibly having different shapes, e.g. the HDF5 storage may be a
88  // flat array.
90  // If range = {0, 0} then no range is supplied and we must determine
91  // the range
92  if (range[0] == 0 and range[1] == 0)
93  {
94  if (shape_xml == shape_hdf5)
95  {
96  range = dolfinx::MPI::local_range(mpi_rank, shape_hdf5[0],
97  dolfinx::MPI::size(comm));
98  }
99  else if (!shape_xml.empty() and shape_hdf5.size() == 1)
100  {
101  // Size of dims > 0
102  std::int64_t d = std::reduce(shape_xml.begin(), shape_xml.end(),
103  std::int64_t(1), std::multiplies{});
105  // Check for data size consistency
106  if (d * shape_xml[0] != shape_hdf5[0])
107  {
108  throw std::runtime_error("Data size in XDMF/XML and size of HDF5 "
109  "dataset are inconsistent");
110  }
112  // Compute data range to read
113  range = dolfinx::MPI::local_range(mpi_rank, shape_xml[0],
114  dolfinx::MPI::rank(comm));
115  range[0] *= d;
116  range[1] *= d;
117  }
118  else
119  {
120  throw std::runtime_error(
121  "This combination of array shapes in XDMF and HDF5 "
122  "is not supported");
123  }
124  }
126  // Retrieve data
127  data_vector = HDF5Interface::read_dataset<T>(h5_id, paths[1], range);
128  }
129  else
130  throw std::runtime_error("Storage format \"" + format + "\" is unknown");
132  // Get dimensions for consistency (if available in DataItem node)
133  if (shape_xml.empty())
134  {
135  std::int64_t size = 1;
136  for (auto dim : shape_xml)
137  size *= dim;
139  std::int64_t size_global = 0;
140  const std::int64_t size_local = data_vector.size();
141  MPI_Allreduce(&size_local, &size_global, 1, MPI_INT64_T, MPI_SUM, comm);
142  if (size != size_global)
143  {
144  throw std::runtime_error(
145  "Data sizes in attribute and size of data read are inconsistent");
146  }
147  }
149  return data_vector;
150 }
151 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 } // namespace dolfinx::io::xdmf_read
static std::vector< std::int64_t > get_dataset_shape(const hid_t handle, const std::string &dataset_path)
Get dataset shape (size of each dimension)
Definition: HDF5Interface.cpp:203
int size(MPI_Comm comm)
Return size of the group (number of processes) associated with the communicator.
Definition: MPI.cpp:84
int rank(MPI_Comm comm)
Return process rank for the communicator.
Definition: MPI.cpp:76
constexpr std::array< std::int64_t, 2 > local_range(int rank, std::int64_t N, int size)
Return local range for the calling process, partitioning the global [0, N - 1] range across all ranks...
Definition: MPI.h:83
Low-level methods for reading XDMF files.
Definition: xdmf_read.h:20
std::vector< T > get_dataset(MPI_Comm comm, const pugi::xml_node &dataset_node, const hid_t h5_id, std::array< std::int64_t, 2 > range={{0, 0}})
Return data associated with a data set node.
Definition: xdmf_read.h:24