Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Chris N. Richardson, Garth N. Wells, Michal Habera
# and Jørgen S. Dokken
# This file is part of DOLFINx (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""IO module for input data, post-processing file outout and

import typing

import numpy as np

import ufl
from dolfinx import cpp as _cpp
from import distribute_entity_data  # noqa: F401
from import perm_gmsh as cell_perm_gmsh  # noqa F401
from dolfinx.fem import Function
from dolfinx.mesh import GhostMode, Mesh

from mpi4py import MPI as _MPI

__all__ = ["FidesWriter", "VTKFile", "VTXWriter", "XDMFFile", "cell_perm_gmsh", "distribute_entity_data"]

def _extract_cpp_functions(functions: typing.Union[typing.List[Function], Function]):
    """Extract C++ object for a single function or a list of functions"""
    if isinstance(functions, (list, tuple)):
        return [getattr(u, "_cpp_object", u) for u in functions]
        return [getattr(functions, "_cpp_object", functions)]

if _cpp.common.has_adios2:
    # FidesWriter and VTXWriter require ADIOS2

    __all__ = __all__ + ["FidesWriter", "VTXWriter"]

[docs] class VTXWriter( """Interface to VTK files for ADIOS2 VTX supports arbitrary order Lagrange finite elements for the geometry description and arbitrary order (discontinuous) Lagrange finite elements for Functions. The files can be displayed by Paraview. The storage backend uses ADIOS2. """ def __init__(self, comm: _MPI.Comm, filename: str, output: typing.Union[Mesh, typing.List[Function], Function]): """Initialize a writer for outputting data in the VTX format. Args: comm: The MPI communicator filename: The output filename output: The data to output. Either a mesh, a single (discontinuous) Lagrange Function or list of (discontinuous Lagrange Functions. Note: All Functions for output must share the same mesh and have the same element type. """ try: # Input is a mesh super().__init__(comm, filename, output) except (NotImplementedError, TypeError): # Input is a single function or a list of functions super().__init__(comm, filename, _extract_cpp_functions(output)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] class FidesWriter( """Interface to Fides file formt. Fides supports first order Lagrange finite elements for the geometry descriptionand first order Lagrange finite elements for functions. All functions has to be of the same element family and same order. The files can be displayed by Paraview. The storage backend uses ADIOS2. """ def __init__(self, comm: _MPI.Comm, filename: str, output: typing.Union[Mesh, typing.List[Function], Function]): """Initialize a writer for outputting a mesh, a single Lagrange function or list of Lagrange functions sharing the same element family and degree Args: comm: The MPI communicator filename: The output filename output: The data to output. Either a mesh, a single first order Lagrange function or list of first order Lagrange functions. """ try: super().__init__(comm, filename, output) except (NotImplementedError, TypeError): super().__init__(comm, filename, _extract_cpp_functions(output)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs]class VTKFile( """Interface to VTK files VTK supports arbitrary order Lagrange finite elements for the geometry description. XDMF is the preferred format for geometry order <= 2. """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def write_mesh(self, mesh: Mesh, t: float = 0.0) -> None: """Write mesh to file for a given time (default 0.0)""" self.write(mesh, t)
[docs] def write_function(self, u: typing.Union[typing.List[Function], Function], t: float = 0.0) -> None: """Write a single function or a list of functions to file for a given time (default 0.0)""" super().write(_extract_cpp_functions(u), t)
[docs]class XDMFFile( def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def write_mesh(self, mesh: Mesh) -> None: """Write mesh to file for a given time (default 0.0)""" super().write_mesh(mesh)
[docs] def write_function(self, u, t: float = 0.0, mesh_xpath="/Xdmf/Domain/Grid[@GridType='Uniform'][1]"): super().write_function(getattr(u, "_cpp_object", u), t, mesh_xpath)
[docs] def read_mesh(self, ghost_mode=GhostMode.shared_facet, name="mesh", xpath="/Xdmf/Domain") -> Mesh: """Read mesh data from file""" cell_shape, cell_degree = super().read_cell_type(name, xpath) cells = super().read_topology_data(name, xpath) x = super().read_geometry_data(name, xpath) # Construct the geometry map cell = ufl.Cell(, geometric_dimension=x.shape[1]) # Build the mesh cmap = _cpp.fem.CoordinateElement(cell_shape, cell_degree) mesh = _cpp.mesh.create_mesh(self.comm(), _cpp.graph.AdjacencyList_int64(cells), cmap, x, ghost_mode, _cpp.mesh.create_cell_partitioner()) = name domain = ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, cell_degree)) return Mesh.from_cpp(mesh, domain)
[docs] def read_meshtags(self, mesh, name, xpath="/Xdmf/Domain"): return super().read_meshtags(mesh, name, xpath)
def extract_gmsh_topology_and_markers(gmsh_model, model_name=None): """Extract all entities tagged with a physical marker in the gmsh model, and collect the data per cell type. Returns a nested dictionary where the first key is the gmsh MSH element type integer. Each element type present in the model contains the cell topology of the elements and corresponding markers. """ if model_name is not None: gmsh_model.setCurrent(model_name) # Get the physical groups from gmsh on the form [(dim1, tag1),(dim1, # tag2), (dim2, tag3),...] phys_grps = gmsh_model.getPhysicalGroups() topologies = {} for dim, tag in phys_grps: # Get the entities for a given dimension: # dim=0->Points, dim=1->Lines, dim=2->Triangles/Quadrilaterals, # etc. entities = gmsh_model.getEntitiesForPhysicalGroup(dim, tag) for entity in entities: # Get data about the elements on a given entity: # NOTE: Assumes that each entity only have one cell-type element_data = gmsh_model.mesh.getElements(dim, tag=entity) element_types, element_tags, node_tags = element_data assert len(element_types) == 1 # The MSH type of the cells on the element element_type = element_types[0] num_el = len(element_tags[0]) # Determine number of local nodes per element to create the # topology of the elements properties = gmsh_model.mesh.getElementProperties(element_type) name, dim, order, num_nodes, local_coords, _ = properties # 2D array of shape (num_elements,num_nodes_per_element) # containing the topology of the elements on this entity # NOTE: GMSH indexing starts with 1 and not zero element_topology = node_tags[0].reshape(-1, num_nodes) - 1 # Gather data for each element type and the # corresponding physical markers if element_type in topologies.keys(): topologies[element_type]["topology"] = np.concatenate( (topologies[element_type]["topology"], element_topology), axis=0) topologies[element_type]["cell_data"] = np.concatenate( (topologies[element_type]["cell_data"], np.full(num_el, tag)), axis=0) else: topologies[element_type] = {"topology": element_topology, "cell_data": np.full(num_el, tag)} return topologies def extract_gmsh_geometry(gmsh_model, model_name=None): """For a given gmsh model, extract the mesh geometry as a numpy (N, 3) array where the i-th row corresponds to the i-th node in the mesh. """ if model_name is not None: gmsh_model.setCurrent(model_name) # Get the unique tag and coordinates for nodes # in mesh indices, points, _ = gmsh_model.mesh.getNodes() points = points.reshape(-1, 3) # GMSH indices starts at 1 indices -= 1 # Sort nodes in geometry according to the unique index perm_sort = np.argsort(indices) assert np.all(indices[perm_sort] == np.arange(len(indices))) return points[perm_sort] # Map from Gmsh int to DOLFINx cell type and degree # _gmsh_to_cells = {1: ("interval", 1), 2: ("triangle", 1), 3: ("quadrilateral", 1), 4: ("tetrahedron", 1), 5: ("hexahedron", 1), 8: ("interval", 2), 9: ("triangle", 2), 10: ("quadrilateral", 2), 11: ("tetrahedron", 2), 12: ("hexahedron", 2), 15: ("point", 0), 21: ("triangle", 3), 26: ("interval", 3), 29: ("tetrahedron", 3), 36: ("quadrilateral", 3)} def ufl_mesh_from_gmsh(gmsh_cell: int, gdim: int) -> ufl.Mesh: """Create a UFL mesh from a Gmsh cell identifier and the geometric dimension. See: """ shape, degree = _gmsh_to_cells[gmsh_cell] cell = ufl.Cell(shape, geometric_dimension=gdim) scalar_element = ufl.FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, degree, variant="equispaced") return ufl.Mesh(ufl.VectorElement(scalar_element))