Source code for dolfinx.mesh

# Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Chris N. Richardson and Garth N. Wells
# This file is part of DOLFINx (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Creation, refining and marking of meshes"""

import types

import numpy
import ufl
from dolfinx import cpp
from dolfinx.cpp.mesh import create_meshtags

__all__ = [
    "locate_entities", "locate_entities_boundary", "refine", "create_mesh", "create_meshtags", "MeshTags"

[docs]def locate_entities(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh, dim: int, marker: types.FunctionType): """Compute list of mesh entities satisfying a geometric marking function. Parameters ---------- mesh The mesh dim The topological dimension of the mesh entities to consider marker A function that takes an array of points `x` with shape ``(gdim, num_points)`` and returns an array of booleans of length ``num_points``, evaluating to `True` for entities to be located. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Indices (local to the process) of marked mesh entities. """ return cpp.mesh.locate_entities(mesh, dim, marker)
[docs]def locate_entities_boundary(mesh: cpp.mesh.Mesh, dim: int, marker: types.FunctionType): """Compute list of mesh entities that are attached to an owned boundary facet and satisfy a geometric marking function. For vertices and edges, in parallel this function will not necessarily mark all entities that are on the exterior boundary. For example, it is possible for a process to have a vertex that lies on the boundary without any of the attached facets being a boundary facet. When used to find degrees-of-freedom, e.g. using fem.locate_dofs_topological, the function that uses the data returned by this function must typically perform some parallel communication. Parameters ---------- mesh The mesh dim The topological dimension of the mesh entities to consider marker A function that takes an array of points `x` with shape ``(gdim, num_points)`` and returns an array of booleans of length ``num_points``, evaluating to `True` for entities to be located. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Indices (local to the process) of marked mesh entities. """ return cpp.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, dim, marker)
_uflcell_to_dolfinxcell = { "interval": cpp.mesh.CellType.interval, "triangle": cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle, "quadrilateral": cpp.mesh.CellType.quadrilateral, "tetrahedron": cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron, "hexahedron": cpp.mesh.CellType.hexahedron } _meshtags_types = { numpy.int8: cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int8, numpy.int32: cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int32, numpy.int64: cpp.mesh.MeshTags_int64, numpy.double: cpp.mesh.MeshTags_double }
[docs]def refine(mesh, cell_markers=None, redistribute=True): """Refine a mesh""" if cell_markers is None: mesh_refined = cpp.refinement.refine(mesh, redistribute) else: mesh_refined = cpp.refinement.refine(mesh, cell_markers, redistribute) coordinate_element = mesh._ufl_domain.ufl_coordinate_element() domain = ufl.Mesh(coordinate_element) domain._ufl_cargo = mesh_refined mesh_refined._ufl_domain = domain return mesh_refined
[docs]def create_mesh(comm, cells, x, domain, ghost_mode=cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=cpp.mesh.partition_cells_graph): """Create a mesh from topology and geometry data""" ufl_element = domain.ufl_coordinate_element() cell_shape = ufl_element.cell().cellname() cell_degree = cmap = cpp.fem.CoordinateElement(_uflcell_to_dolfinxcell[cell_shape], cell_degree) try: mesh = cpp.mesh.create_mesh(comm, cells, cmap, x, ghost_mode, partitioner) except TypeError: mesh = cpp.mesh.create_mesh(comm, cpp.graph.AdjacencyList_int64(numpy.cast['int64'](cells)), cmap, x, ghost_mode, partitioner) # Attach UFL data (used when passing a mesh into UFL functions) domain._ufl_cargo = mesh mesh._ufl_domain = domain return mesh
[docs]def MeshTags(mesh, dim, indices, values): if isinstance(values, int): values = numpy.full(indices.shape, values, dtype=numpy.int32) elif isinstance(values, float): values = numpy.full(indices.shape, values, dtype=numpy.double) dtype = values.dtype.type if dtype not in _meshtags_types.keys(): raise KeyError("Datatype {} of values array not recognised".format(dtype)) fn = _meshtags_types[dtype] return fn(mesh, dim, indices.astype(numpy.int32), values)
# Functions to extend cpp.mesh.Mesh with def ufl_cell(self): return ufl.Cell(self.topology.cell_name(), geometric_dimension=self.geometry.dim) def ufl_domain(self): """Return the ufl domain corresponding to the mesh.""" return self._ufl_domain # Extend cpp.mesh.Mesh class, and clean-up cpp.mesh.Mesh.ufl_cell = ufl_cell cpp.mesh.Mesh.ufl_domain = ufl_domain del ufl_cell del ufl_domain