DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdolfinxTop-level namespace
 NcommonMiscellaneous classes, functions and types
 NfemFinite element method functionality
 NsparsitybuildSupport for building sparsity patterns from degree-of-freedom maps
 NgeometryGeometry data structures and algorithms
 NgraphGraph data structures and algorithms
 NkahipInterfaces to KaHIP parallel partitioner
 NioSupport for file IO
 NcellsFunctions for the re-ordering of input mesh topology to the DOLFINx ordering, and transpose orderings for file output
 Nxdmf_functionLow-level methods for reading/writing XDMF files
 Nxdmf_meshLow-level methods for reading XDMF files
 NlaLinear algebra interface
 NmeshMesh data structures and algorithms on meshes
 NMPIMPI support functionality
 NnlsNonlinear solvers
 NrefinementMesh refinement algorithms
 NplazaPlaza mesh refinement