- Member basix::cell::num_sub_entities (cell::type celltype, int dim)
- Optimise this function
- Member basix::FiniteElement::tabulate (int nd, const xt::xarray< double > &x, xt::xtensor< double, 4 > &basis) const
- Remove all internal dynamic memory allocation, pass scratch space as required
- Member basix::moments::make_dot_integral_moments (const FiniteElement &V, cell::type celltype, std::size_t value_size, int q_deg)
- Clarify what happens value size of the moment space is less than
- Member basix::polyset::tabulate (cell::type celltype, int d, int n, const xt::xarray< double > &x)
- Does the order for the third index need to be documented?
- Member basix::polyset::tabulate (xt::xtensor< double, 3 > &P, cell::type celltype, int d, int n, const xt::xarray< double > &x)
- Does the order for the third index need to be documented?